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5 Simple Steps To Internet Business Success...

Many people dream of owning a successful internet business,
however very few people ever succeed.

Why is that? My answer is simply, many people get into the
internet business, without any planning at all. They just
jump into it and hope that after placing a few free ads here
and there they will eventually start earning that most
coverted six figure monthly or even better yearly income.

For example, let's say you decided to drive from New York
to Los Angelos for the first time ever, without a road map.

How many times do you think, you will get lost?

How many times do you think, you will become frustuated?

Definetely more times, than if you had a map to guide you
to take the right routes, at exactely the right time.

That is exactely why it is very important, you set a simple
plan to follow inorder for you to achieve the success you
dream of with your own internet business.

Here's a simple 5 step plan, I set for myself...

1) Build your list

No matter what you sell, you should always build your own
opt in list, right from the get go, this is your most

- Give away something free (report ebook etc)
- Promote an affiliate program through your own page
for example my webiste

2) Have your own product to sell

With your own product, you can develop your own affiliate
program and be able to recruit your own team of affiliates.

- Create your own product or service
- Or you can buy rights to a very good product.

3) Learn how to get "good quality traffic".

No traffic = No sales. You need to learn strategies &
techniques to drive t.argeted free traffic to your site.

- I recommend -
- 14 top internet marketers show you how to do this.

4) Create a backend system, to sell to your customers

Your customers, already have trust in you. It is much
easier to get them to buy from you again and again.

- Always give them a special discount,
- keep them happy they usually keep buying.

5) Build strong relationships with other Netpreneurs

Especially those that have made it it big "the gurus", in
your particular "niche". They can help you succeed.

- Get on their lists, reply to their comments &
suggestions & very soon they will start to
recognize your email when it pops up in their inboxes.

There it is, you are welcome to adopt my paln for yourself.
I like simplicity, so I hope this is simple enough for you.

Don't wait any longer, plan your steps to success today and
really get started on achieving your ultimate dream.

I WILL SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!! - Exactely Where you belong...

About the Author
Munya Chinongoza is the author of "Guru Traffic Secrets Vol.1"
He recently interviewed 14 top internet marketers "gurus"
and asked them to reveal how they drive unlimited targeted
traffic to their websites everyday, usually with little or no
effort at all on their part: