7 Keys To Running A Successful Home Business
The first key in running a successful home business is to
create a business that is marketable. For instance, I have spent
many years selling cosmetics, but so many people sell cosmetics
especialy being in the same town as corporate, that I couldn't
market the products. When I chose to become a coach, I chose to
do so because the possibilities are limitless and I believed
that I could market my services.
The next key to a successful home business is to become a part
of the Din Din Club. Din Din stands for Do It Now. There are
going to be things that you don't want to do and personally
speaking, I found every excuse in the book not to do those
things. What do you think excuses are? They are lies that we
tell ourselves that no one else believes but us. Quit making
excuses as to why you can't start a business and become a part
of the Din Din Club.
The third key to being a successful home based business is self
confidence. I will use myself as an example. When I first
started coaching, I was afraid to approach people and talk about
what I did. I didn't think anyone would want my services. But
the truth was, that as long as I didn't believe in myself and
speak about my business with confidence, potential clients
wouldn't invest their time or money into me and my services.
The next key to running a successful home business is
consistency. Many people are misinformed when it comes to
running a home business. The clients do not just come knocking
on your door. You have to find them. When I was selling
cosmetics, I found that about 3 out of 10 became customers. As I
built my customer base, I learned that 3 new customers a week
would not pay the bills. So I made it a daily routine to talk to
10 people a day and giving them my business card was not enough,
I had to get their number as well. But I had to take it a step
further. I had to follow up with them within 24 hours. As a
consumer, I look for consistency. I look for someone that is
easily accessible to me. For the next 5 days, I want you to
practice handing out 10 cards a day and you will see your
business explode right before your very eyes.
The next key to success is marketing. In my experience, there
are several marketing techniques. The first is on paper. This
includes flyers, business cards, letters, or anything else that
will introduce you to the community. This is very important in
marketing. It makes us look credible to have professional 3 fold
brochures printed and to always have business cards on us. In
interviewing people who were attracted to my flyers, I
discovered that the thing they liked the most was the client
The next area of marketing is on-line. This is an important
tool for gaining new business, but don't let it be the only
source of business for you. I encourage you to NOT sit in front
of the computer waiting for business to come because it doesn't
happen that way. There are many tools to use such as: blogs,
autoresponders, guestbook, etc.
The most important part of marketing is face to face. Check
with rotary clubs, your local Chamber Of Commerce, associations,
etc. When networking, the most important thing to remember is
Who You Know. Who can you refer to others in the group. When you
make referrals to others, they will in turn refer back to you.
All of these things come together to create the absolute most
important thing in business today - professionalism. Incorporate
these things into your business and people will respect you and
your business.
About the author:
My name is Lynne Kaska and I am the founder of Visionary
Coaching, a career and mentor coaching company. We began in
Garland Texas in 2004, and currently we have coaches and clients
around the country and are expanding into Canada. We work with
vice presidents, managers and other executives, who are
overloaded or may be facing career burn out. We also work with
individuals who are facing big life transitions.