7 Ways To Promote Your Business-FREE!
Simply search the web for free advertising sites. The list will be long , you will need to find sites that will work for you. Free classifieds take a lot of time ,and effort. Results will show , but you will need to work at it hard , and on a regular basis.
Here are a few classified sites listed:
AZ Free Classifieds Ad Listings
1 Stop Free Internet Classifieds
Free Classified Advertising And Promotion
Free Classifieds - USFreeads.com
Free Classsified Ads
Alberta Rose FREE Classifieds
Money-At-Home.Com Free Classifieds! Place Your Free Ad Today
Ablewise.com Classifieds - The Online Classifieds Solution
Home Business Opportunities Work At Home And Make Money Online
Business Opportunities Classifieds Online - Small Business
2. Free E-zine Ads: most ezines give away free ads to new subscribers of their ezines. Since the ezines have been requested by their subscribers , this is another good place to start.
Here are some E-ZINES listed:
The Free Directory of Ezines
A list of 500+ free ezines! E-zines and on-line newsletters publications
Free Ezines Directory
3.Writing articles: Writing articles for distrubution in other ezines , newsletters , etc is a great FREE method for sending traffic to your site. This gives you the opportunity to write about something you know , and will give you free advertising in your resource box. Lots of people are looking for new content for their ezines, or newsletters , so getting published will provide free advertising.
4.Include your URL on everything , like business cards , stationary ,etc. This is also a good source for promotion of your business.Some good places to leave your business cards are: local stores , banks , restraurants ,etc.
5.Flyers: Print out some flyers advertising your business. Post these flyers at shopping centers , grocery stores , laundry mats , local colleges , apartment complexes , car window , etc. There are so many places where you can put flyers , you just need to be creative.
6.Reciprocal Linking: This is where you will look for other sites that are similar to your [work at home sites , business sites , etc] and you will set up a link exchange. You put there link on your site , and they in turn put your link on their site. Be selective about which sites you put your link on. Most of the time , these sites will exchange links with you. This method of advertising can get you listed in major Search Engines and give you a good web site ranking. In my oponion this is by far , the best free method of advertising
7.E-mail Signature: Install a "Signature" in your E-mail program. This method can help you get people to get in touch with you , and want to know more about your business. Most E-mail programs such as , AOL , MSN , NETSCAPE , and OUTLOOK, allow you to add a "Signature" line at the end of your out going e-mail messages. It should only be 6-8 lines. Company Name , Address , Phone Number , URL ,e-mail address , and a small description. Look for examples on e-mail messages that have been sent to you.
About the Author
Tina Barraclough is a stay at home mom and owner of http://best-home-based-business-idea.com Visit her website for Business Opportunities, free e-books,Business Articles,etc.