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A Plan, What a Novel Way to do Business!

If you're like me, green as a two week old willow and trying
to set and run your marketing plan, kicking the proverbial
tires to your business, as it were; then hark my message. I
won't be telling you how to build a list, start a website,
develop content, power linking, write e-books, create software,
and oh yes, make money! But then there's plenty of folk around
that can. What I do have in spades however, is a highly curious
disposition coupled with a dwindling budget. That's it, and the
symptoms; it's bouncing off walls, and I can do it as well as
the best of them! I can show you bank statements that go
backwards, yeah I know, everywhere you read its six figures,
right. Well, one day, perhaps!

So, you're starting out in this game, and you've probably
heard these same words, "read as much as you can and find
someone who can be your mentor". Nice, if you can shield
yourself from the myriad of distractions that float your way.
Every time you access a webpage it's like, oh, you'll be
needing this because of... and you might find this useful....
and wouldn't one of these save you time. Then there's always
the high pressure approach, "you're loosing money if you don't
upgrade here" and, "someone else has just signed up ahead
of you in the pipeline", "what the devil are you thinking"!
What about, "please tell me why it is that your leaving
without buying"?

All sound familiar, well if not, you're greener than I.
Picture this, you're stepping out in grand fashion having read
all the 'how to' material you can put your hands on and champing
at the bit to get started. You're just about to stand up a website
and you've collected a wealth of material to get your content
happening. Along comes an e-mail, 'have a look at this, create
a presence on the web by linking your site to others; a license
to print money'. Sounds good right, better check into this a bit
further, and so you venture into doing some more reading. A
little further along, 'At last, an easy way to write Website
content in minutes, New Software Download. Gosh, I should
probably check that out and see how it makes mine look.

Keeping up with the Jones' here (forgive the obvious) so you
decide to download the software; low and behold you need a
merchant account. Not a member to this one so, let's join. In the
process we type in our relevant details (was that 20 times today
or 21) and of course, yet another login and password for the
data base. Oh look, here's a pretty good looking affiliate offer
with this crowd, too good to pass up so we'll have a piece of that,
and, yet another data base entry... see where this is all going.
Well, actually not going is more to the point. What was that
that I was trying to do this morning anyway. Ah well, tomorrow's
another day.

Even now I have my mouse hand twitching because an e-mail has
just flashed up suggesting that I need training in this evenings
affiliate presentation. Well I didn't actually have time to dwell
on that when I signed on, so I definitely will need to be doing
the training. I was hoping to get my auto responder happening next
so I hope both can be done. Yeah right, all good in plan but
didn't actually count on the auto responder payment stalling and
just managed to get the wind down on the training session. Oh how
they must hate late entry's. So there you have it. If this is even
vaguely familiar to how you're traveling I hope you don't mind my
saying, you need help, and big time!

The message then; you thought I got sidetracked didn't you.
Do not contemplate starting your business without a plan on how
you are going to get things done. There's just an insane amount
of detail you've got to get through and you'll never get there
unless you plan it out. I mentioned all of the above because I
finally dragged myself out of the forest and started making good
headway. You have my whole hearted endorsement on package type
deals because that's what I settled on and that's when things
started going forwards.

By the way, the plan comes with the website package so
once you're up and running with the package, the rest, as they say,
is duplicatable. Don't worry; I'm not trying to sell you the plan
or even the package and I could care less about whether you leave
without buying. My point here is that if you're struggling to get
started then you have the makings of an option here. Stop on by
my site if you're even mildly curious to give it a go. I'm more
than happy to offer any pointers, but trust me,
it's all in the plan.

About the Author
New network marketer in startup mode