A Simple Plan to Running a Successful Carpet Cleaning Business
A carpet cleaning business offers many opportunities to make a
good living with very little business experience needed. I
should know because I ran a profitable carpet cleaning business
for 10 years before selling out for a huge profit. In this
article I will present to you a simple plan to getting you
started in your own carpet cleaning business.
Buying a Franchise or not?
Go a head and look into what a franchise can offer you and then
weigh it against doing it yourself. The plus will be that many
franchises will train you in marketing techniques and give you
instruction on how to operate and maintain your equipment. They
will also run some local advertising to get you started. The
down side is that you will be paying a franchise fee up front
and for the duration of your contract. Also, you will have to
spend a certain percentage buying their cleaning chemicals. This
can really put a damper on your profits. I recommend that you
save your investment and go for it on your own.
Cleaning Equipment - Do some research on what is the newest
technology for cleaning carpets, I'm sure you have seen many
different types which include steam, dry chemical, portable
units and truck mount. There are many equipment manufacturers
online that will give you a better understanding of what works
well. I recommend using a portable power head unit because many
of your clients may be businesses in which a standard
truck-mount hose will not reach. Plus the cost of portable units
is more affordable. The price range of this type of equipment
can range from $1,500 to $3,000 depending on the options.
Vehicle - Purchase a used cargo mini-van or small size pick-up
truck with a bed liner and bed top. The costs will very
depending on year and condition.
Cleaning supplies - Again, do some research on the Internet to
find a wholesaler of cleaning supplies, many of the equipment
wholesalers will offer chemicals as well.
Vehicle Signs - At first buy the standard magnetic door signs to
save money but eventually spend some money to get professional
signs painted. This will give your business a professional
Word of mouth - Tell your friends and family that you are in
business and I promise you will have several people up front as
paying customers. Many times they will recommend you to their
friends and family as well.
Door to Door - Canvas your neighborhood and surrounding
neighborhoods going door-to-door placing flyers on each door.
You will be amazed at how affective this will be.
Newspaper Inserts - For some reason this form of advertising
really works well, maybe because these flyers can be saved and
hung on the refrigerator or message board.
Business Cards - This is a must, you never know where you will
be that will provide you an opportunity to sell your service.
Business Location - The great news about this type of business
is that you can run a small business right from your home
avoiding warehouse cost until you grow into it.
Target Market - Your first priority is to service homes because
you can accumulate several repeat customers relatively fast with
little cost but your long-term profit will come from commercial
establishments like restaurants and apartment buildings. If you
do quality work at a fair price they will use your service every
week or month.
Use a flat rate approach. Advertise a whole house special for
around $300, you will at times get that huge house where you
will spend more time but you will get more small to medium size
homes in the end. For commercial units use the square footage
pricing, for example $.50 a sq. ft. If the business or apartment
is 600 sq ft then the price should be $300. Do some research in
your area to see what the going price currently is.
Equipment and supplies = $4,000
Vehicle = $10,000
Up front advertising = $2,000
Office supplies = $300
Total = $16,300 give or take a few hundred
Monthly overhead (if you work from hone)
Advertising (flyers, newspaper inserts and business cards) =
Chemicals = Depends on how many carpets you clean plus it's
built into your pricing
Vehicle Fuel = Depends on how many carpets you clean plus it's
built into your pricing
Total = $1,000 give or take a few hundred
Don't forget the tax write-offs for all of your overhead
As you can see it won't take very many cleanings to recover your
overhead expenses and to make a profit.
In conclusion, this is not a get rich quick proposition. You
will have to work hard at researching pricing and promoting your
service but if you are priced right and get a reputation of high
quality in short time your phone will be ringing off the hook
with repeat and new clients. Good luck.
About the author:
Dennis Watson has been helping others promote their products or
services for years through his Free Classifieds website