Advice on Starting a Business
But starting a home business is not easy, and there are often
disadvantages to go along with the freedom and increased income
you will have when you run your own home-based concern. A home
business can mean long working hours. Because it is located in
the home, it can disrupt home and family activities. Also,
because you are the boss, your business' success will depend
heavily upon your management skills
The Internet
The Internet is a great resource for people who are thinking of
setting up a home business - as well as all the articles you can
find with practical advice, there are also many forums, where
you can read about others' experiences, and ask questions. It's
a huge resource and should be explored and used to the utmost.
The Government
Scary as it might seem to be getting advice on anything from the
government, most governments go really out of their way to
produce all sorts of easy-to-understand material on starting
your own business. Encouraging you in business is a great way
for them to both strengthen the economy and increase tax
Depending on your area, you might find that local government
agencies are also keen to give you help and advice, and might
even have some kind of 'small business centre' that you can
Mentors are usually volunteers who think it would be nice to
offer local businesses help and advice. They often have years of
business experience, and can be really useful - if you find one,
hang on to them.
Always willing to help and sadly neglected in our 'wired' age,
you really should talk to a librarian. Libraries generally
contain all sorts of business books and resources that they'll
be able to point you towards, and they'll be more than happy to
do research into obscure areas for you.
Pricey as they might be, lawyers know all about starting
businesses - they've almost certainly done it thousands of times
over. It can be well worth paying for an hour of a lawyer's time
and just asking them every question you can think of.
A less expensive alternative to lawyers, accountants also know
their stuff, especially (obviously) on the financial side. If
you want your business to be profitable, you should take on
board what your accountant tells you - and if you don't have
one, you should get one. By the time they've helped you navigate
through all the tax mazes, they'll almost certainly have made
their fee back for you anyway.
Incubators and Investors
If you think your business would be an attractive proposal to
people who back businesses for a living, then you can try going
to a 'business incubator' or some other kind of investor with
your idea. If they like it, they'll often have a quick process
set up to get your company up and running as soon as possible.
Here's an interesting one: universities are full of business
students. They've all spent ages learning about nothing but
business, and many of them would just love to help get a real
one off the ground - it'd look great on their CV, after all.
Business students can be a great source of free help and advice,
and they'll probably even be thankful to you for letting them
help out!
If you do a course to get a formal qualification in what you
want to do before starting the business, you'll probably find
that your teacher is also a good resource on the business side
of things. They'll have had plenty of students starting
businesses who've asked them similar questions, and they might
even have prepared some material to give to anyone who asks for
Your Bank
Traditionally, your bank would have been the first place you
went if you were thinking of starting a business, but many
people seem to ignore them nowadays. While they're no
replacement for accountants, most banks will offer you a
'business advisor' when you open a business account, and they
can be especially helpful with the technical and financial
elements of starting up.
Associations, Societies and Unions
Whatever industry you're thinking of entering probably has some
kind of trade association, society or union. You should join as
soon as you can, and take advantage of all the resources that
they will almost certainly offer to people wanting to get
started in their industry. After all, the more people who are in
their industry, the more members they can get.
So you see, there's no shortage of advice out there if you look
for it.
About the author:
Original Source:
Information supplied and written by Lee Asher of The Home Income Portal
Home of Serious Online Business Options.