An Internet Business Can be Your Financial Saftey Net!
He had $10,000 to invest and was happy with an interest rate of
5.75%. The best "at call" rate he had found after much research
with financial institutions. He was after a safe investment
during these uncertain times.
My other friend responded, "I wish I had the spare $10,000 to
invest in the first place!". He went on to say that how
difficult he found it to save any money after paying his bills
each week. (Something you hear all the time)
We got out the napkin and a pen and looked at the situation. He
had put all his efforts into running around to get an extra
0.25% on his money!
So instead of getting $550 in interest on his ten grand for the
next 12 months, he would now be receiving $575.... Big deal....
An extra $25 for the year! He probably spent that much driving
around and in phone calls.
What a waste of time and energy if you think about it!
My other friend on the other hand would love to have an extra
$10,000 to invest. However, his day job does not allow him to
save enough to "get ahead".
But.... He possesses a crucial ingredient that can earn the
extra money he desires.... The ingredient is.... His "spare
Without changing or giving up your "day job", asking for a pay
rise, or finding a second part time job.... The average PC
literate person can earn a substantial extra income from home
just by selling simple information products they create
themselves based on what they "already know" and all in their
spare time.
Marketing information.... Information people want, in the form
of ebooks, ebooklets, special reports, audio tapes, video's and
CD-roms is still the best home based Internet business you can
It's as true today as it was four years ago on the Internet.
People often ask me if it is really possible to earn decent
money on the Internet if you only have a few spare hours in a
day to devote to your online business. Surely the law of
business prohibits you from "gaining a lot for very little"?
Here is the key that many people new to online business MISS....
You might only work 2 spare hours a day on your little Web
business BUT your Web business (your website) WORKS FULL TIME 24
hours a day for you!... This is the reason why it does not take
much of your time and yet can return far more than an hourly
wage for the ACTUAL hours you put in.
Having a well-constructed website that sells for you 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year on "autopilot" is like having an
"electronic employee or salesman" working for you and presenting
your product perfectly every time.
It's a business that works unmanned... Like a shop that never
But you know.... It's not just the money you make, it's about
establishing something else....A "safety Net" in hard times....
A small insurance policy should the worst happen.
Nobody can retrench you from your own business. A business that
can never go broke either.... You can even set up a free website
and perform zero cost marketing promotions. Zero overheads.
Maximum profits.
That's how I started and you can do the same.
Even in hard times.... War, Anthrax scares, recession, have not
effected my online business. Sales may not have increased, but
they have not declined.
You may also think that you need "talent", writing skills and a
certain level of education to succeed in running an online
information product business. Not so, the world is full of
educated and talented failures. What you do need however is
"persistence" and a dogged determination to succeed.
So if you don't have spare money to invest, like my friend did,
don't worry, 12 months from now you will have much more than my
other friend who has invested his money to earn a measly
interest of $575!!
You could have the same $10,000 plus an ongoing income from
investing your "spare time" instead.
So next time you put your feet up in your spare hours, consider
investing some of those hours up online!
About the author:
Quentin Brown has been helping establish Internet Businesses for
the past 6 years and has just released a new multimedia ebook
and coaching course at