An Introduction To The Broken Windows Theory Of Business
No, that's not
a riddle. It's a question that could today be at the core of a
business's success or failure.
Answer that question
correctly and use that answer as a beacon, and your business
could dominate its competition indefinitely.
Ignore the
solution to the puzzle, and you will be condemning your business
to failure in a very short period of time.
The "broken
windows" theory, first put forth by criminologist James Q.
Wilson and George L. Kelling in a piece called "Broken Windows"
in the Atlantic Monthly magazine in March 1982, explains what a
broken window is in criminal justice terms.
But the
brilliance of that theory goes much further than one
interpretation. It can and should be applied to business, too,
and it can make a critical difference- if American businesses
will simply take the time and have the courage to
The broken windows theory states that something
as small and innocuous as a broken window does in fact send a
signal to those who pass by every day. If it is left broken, the
owner of the building isn't paying attention or doesn't care.
That means more serious infractions...theft, defacement,
violent crime- might be condoned in this area as well.
At best, it signals that no one is watching.
This is the heart of the broken windows theory: Wilson and
Kelling write that "social psychologists and police officers
tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is
left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be
Because the message being sent out
by a broken window- the perception it invites is that the owner
of this building and the people of the community around it don't
care if this window is broken:
They have given up, and
anarchy reigns here.
Do as you will, because nobody
Wilson and Kelling suggested that a "broken
window"- any small indication that something is amiss and not
being repaired- can lead to much larger problems.
sends signals, they said, that the bad guys are in charge here;
no one cares about maintaining some kind of order, and anyone
who wishes to take advantage of that situation would be
I "Just as physicians now recognize the
importance of fostering health rather than simply treating
illness, so the police- and the rest of us- ought to recognize
the importance of maintaining, intact, communities without
broken windows," wrote Wilson and Kelling.
Years later,
Wilson told me that the idea behind the broken windows theory
"had to do with the responsibility of the police to take
seriously small signs of disorder because people were afraid of
disorder, and there was a chance disorder could lead to more
serious crime."
Still, critics of the theory greeted it
with skepticism, believing that attention to small infractions
would necessarily would necessarily decrease the amount of
attention that could be devoted to much more serious
The same objection, in slightly less genteel
verbiage, was raised when Rudolph Giuliani, the newly elected
mayor of New York City in 1994, announced his intention to
eliminate graffiti on subway cars and move the hookers and pimps
out of Times Square, to make Manhattan more "family-friendly."
Giuliani and his new police commissioner, William Bratton,
believed that if they sent out clear signals to criminals, and
to New York's citizenry generally, that a "zero tolerance"
policy would be applied to all crime in the city, the result
would be a safer, cleaner city.
And the statistics bore
them out: Over the following years, the numbers of murders,
assaults, robberies, and other violent crimes all went down
And it had all started with graffiti on
subway cars.
I can hear you asking, "What does that have to do with my
business? It's all about crime and criminals."
That same
theory is applicable to the world of business. If the restroom
at the local Burger King is out of toilet paper, it signals that
management isn't paying attention to the needs of its clientele.
That could lead the consumer to conclude that food at this
restaurant might not be prepared adequately, that there might be
health risks in coming here, or that the entire chain of fast
food out outlets simply doesn't care about its
Given that scenario, it is not a stretch of
the imagination but in fact a point of logic to conclude that
the broken windows theory should be applied to business, as it
was to the problems of crime in urban areas.
the perception of the average consumer is a vital part of every
business, and if a retailer, service provider, or corporation is
sending out signals that its approach is lackadaisical, its
methods halfhearted, and its execution indifferent, the business
in question could suffer severe- and in some cases, irreparable-
This book is about broken windows in business:
how they happen, why they happen, why they are ignored, and the
fatal consequences that can result from their being allowed to
go unchecked.
It is meant as a cautionary tale, a
primer, a road map, a manifesto, and a salute to those companies
that fix their broken windows promptly.
It will explore
not only specific examples of broken windows, how they occurred,
and what their long-term results were but also the culture that
creates an environment in which windows are broken and left
I believe that small things make a huge
difference in business.
The messy condiment area at a
fast food restaurant may lead consumers to believe the company
as a whole doesn't care about cleanliness, and therefore the
food itself might be in question.
Indifferent help at
the counter in an upscale clothing store-even if just one clerk-
can signal to the consumer that perhaps standards here aren't as
high as they might be (or used to be).
An employee at
the gas station who wears a T-shirt with an offensive slogan can
certainly cause some customers to switch brands of gasoline and
lose an enormous company those customers for life.
that's only the tip of the iceberg. I think we as a society have
fostered and encouraged broken windows in our business by
standing by and letting them happen. If the waiter at a local
chain restaurant is impolite, or even merely complacent, about
our order, we chalk it up to a bad day, one employee in one
outlet of a large chain, and we don't send a letter to
management or the corporate level.
Even if we do change
brands of gasoline after seeing an attendant in an offensive
T-shirt, we do not write or e-mail the president of the oil
company to alert him to the problem.
We are enablers to
window breakers in every aspect of every business. We don't even
necessarily patronize those companies that fix their broken
windows, if the less attentive one is in a more convenient
location or has a slightly lower price.
That's not to
say we are all to blame when a company has broken windows and
doesn't fix them, but it does mean we all bear some
responsibility to stand up for what we actually want and have
every right to expect out of a company to which we're giving our
hard-earned money.
In a capitalist society, we can
assume that a company that wants to succeed will do its best to
fulfill the desired of its consuming public.
If the
company sees sales slipping but doesn't have data from consumers
as to what made them decrease their spending on a retail level,
the company will not necessarily know what to fix.
Still, corporations and even small businesses that don't notice
and repair their broken windows should not simply be forgiven
because their consumers didn't make enough of a fuss.
is the responsibility of the business to tend to its own house.
The owner of a Starbucks franchise who decides that
revenues are at a healthy level, such that he or she can put off
painting the store for another year, is asking for trouble:
Yes, things are fine now, but when the paint is faded
and peeling and consumers are no longer getting the experience
they've come to expect, it will be too late to fix things with,
literally, a fresh coat of paint.
The time to repair
broken windows is the minute they occur.
It's better,
however, to prevent such smashed panes of glass to begin with.
This book will examine the origins of broken windows
into two purposes in mind. First, we will see how the small
things that can snowball into large problems develop so we can
best illustrate how to repair the damage once it's been done.
But it is equally important to see how these things
happen so that a smart business owner can make sure to prevent
them at- or before- the very first sign of trouble.
you have a policy to paint the store every year, you'll never
have to worry about whether this was the year you waited too
In order to best understand how the broken windows
theory relates to business, it's important to examine the
original theory- as it related to criminal activity- in some
detail. Because of the brilliant thinking of Wilson and Kelling,
"Broken Windows" illustrated a serious societal problem that was
going unnoticed, and helped turn around some of the country's
largest cities (including the largest of all) by paying
attention to detail. It began with a program in New Jersey in
the mid 1970s. The Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program was
meant to improve the quality of life in twenty-eight Garden
State cities, and it was to do so, in part, by increasing the
number of police officers on foot patrol, rather than in patrol
cars. Police chiefs, Wilson says today, felt that such a move
was not likely to lower crime levels, "and the police chiefs
were right: They didn't have an effect on crime rates. But they
did have an effect- and in my view, a powerful effect- on how
people felt about their communities and their willingness to use
it, suggesting that fear of disorder was as important as fear of
Indeed, as Wilson and Kelling wrote in the
Atlantic, "residents of the foot-patrolled neighborhoods seemed
to feel more secure than persons in other areas, tended to
believe that crime had been reduced, and seemed to take fewer
steps to protect themselves from crime (staying at home with the
doors locked, for example).
Moreover, citizens in the
foot-patrol areas had a more favorable opinion than did those
living elsewhere."
What does this all mean to
It's not likely that having police officers
walk the aisles of a Wal-Mart store will increase sales. But it
was the perception that something was being done to increase
order that made the difference for the people living in these
New Jersey cities.
In a business (as we'll discuss in detail through out this
book), the broken windows can be literal or metaphorical.
Sometimes a broken window really is a broken window, and
a new pane of glass needs to be installed as quickly as
possible. Most of the time, however, broken windows are the
little details, the tiny flaws, the overlooked minutiae, that
signal much larger problems either already in place or about to
become reality.
We'll examine companies- huge ones,
household names- that have failed to notice and repair their
broken windows and have suffered greatly for it.
also look at those that have made it a priority to attend to
every potentially broken window and ordered plenty of
replacement panes to make quick, seamless repairs.
lessons learned will be many, and varied, and they will have
happy, and not-so-happy endings.
Sometimes companies
that deserve to be rebuked for their laziness will go
unpunished, but other times there will be retribution at the
hands of the public, which shows exactly what happens when you
give people what they don't want.
What the public wants
more than anything else is to feel that the business- retail or
service-oriented, consumer or business-to-business- that work
for them care about what they want.
Consumers are
looking for businesses that anticipate and fulfill their needs
and do so in a way that makes it clear the business understand
the consumer's needs or wants and is doing its best to see them
Broken windows indicate to the consumer that
the business doesn't care- either that it is so poorly run it
can't possibly keep up with its obligations or that it has
become so oversize and arrogant that it no longer cares about
its core consumer. Either of these impressions can be deadly to
a business, and we'll see examples of both as we
If you run a business, and you truly believe
that little things don't make a difference, you really should
read this book- it may save your business.
If you don't
run a business but would like to, this can be the road map to
your success. IF you're merely interested in business and wonder
why one succeeds where a very similar one fails, perhaps the
examples contained here might help answer that question for
But it can't be overemphasized that tiny details-
the smaller, the more important- can indeed make a tremendous
difference in a business's success or failure.
Sometimes, yes, a company can make a huge mistake (the
whole New Coke thing was less a broken window than a neutron
bomb placed dead center on corporate headquarters), but often,
even those are foreshadowed by the little things that go, alas,
A broken window can be a sloppy counter, a
poorly located sale item, a randomly organized menu, or an
employee with a bad attitude.
It can be physical, like a
faded, flaking paint job, or symbolic, like a policy that
requires consumers to pay for customer service.
When the
waiter at a Chinese restaurant is named Billy Bob, that's a
broken window.
When a call for help assembling a bicycle
results in a twenty-minute hold on the phone (playing the same
music over and over), that's a broken window. When a consumer
asks why she can't return her blouse at the counter and it told,
"Because that's the rule," that is a broken window.
They're everywhere.
Except at the really sharp
Read on.
About the author:
From Michael Levine's Ground-breaking New Book, Broken Windows,
Broken Business-How The Smallest Remedies Reap The Biggest