Automatic Extension Requests For Businesses
Automatic Extension Requests For Businesses
In past years, some businesses had to go through a lot of
paperwork to file request for extensions to file annual business
tax returns. This included filing partial extension forms such
as forms 8800, 8736, 7004 and 2758. I get a headache just
thinking about it. Apparently, IRS agents got one as well and
have decided to do something about.
The internal revenue service has announced it is doing away with
all the different forms for filing requests for an extension to
file business tax returns. Now, all businesses can use one form
to get an automatic six month extension. Form 7004 is the
document you will need. It is entitled Application for Automatic
6 Month Extension to File Certain Business Income Tax,
Information and Other Returns. Okay, so the IRS hasn't figured
out short titles. This is still a positive step in reducing the
morass of forms typically required to get extensions.
To use Form 7004 for your 2005 tax filings, you must file it by
the date the tax return filing is due. You are then
automatically given a six month extension to file the return.
Importantly, the extension is only for the filing of the return,
not the payment of any tax due. If you owe tax, you still have
to the amount due by the original filing period. Failure to do
so will lead to penalties and interest being applied to the
amount you owe when you finally get around to taking care of the
tax returns.
End of the World?
One is tempted to predict the end of the world coming soon. I
don't know about hell freezing over, but the actions taking by
the IRS in the last calendar year are the stuff of myth. First,
the IRS went to bat for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, even
issuing detailed instructions on how to claim their losses on
past tax returns to get refunds to help them out. Second, the
IRS actually raised the mileage allowance in the middle of the
year to give business travelers a larger deduction because the
IRS felt gas prices were to high. Now, the IRS is eliminating
unnecessary and frustrating procedures to make tax filings
simpler. The end must be near.
About the author:
Richard A. Chapo is with -
recovery of business taxes through tax help and tax relief.
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