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Business Career, Executive Coaching Article - Leadership: Understanding the Human Condition

"Nothing is more practical than for people to deepen themselves. The more you understand the human condition the more effective you are as a businessperson. Human depth makes business sense."

- From Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness
by Peter Koestenbaum

A philosopher, a behind the scenes sage for CEOs at some of the world's largest companies, Peter Koestenbaum poses the truly big questions. How do we act when the risks seem overwhelming? What does it mean to be a successful human being?

According to Koestenbaum the central leadership quality is the ability to manage polarity. We want to live, yet we must die? How can I devote myself to both family and career? Am I a boss or a friend? Every business interaction is a form of confrontation - a clash of priorities, a struggle of dignities, a battle of beliefs. Koestenbaum links the deep insights of philosophy with immediate, bottom- line business issues to break through "stuck points" and do better business.

You may be wondering why CEO's of top companies are even remotely concerned with deep philosophical issues. These leaders understand that their success in business is based in their continued personal growth and expansion. Every business person committed to success will reach a point when they need to confront the "deep" questions. So what about you? Do you put aside time each week to devote to your personal growth and development? What keeps you on the edge of your business and life? It may be reading, attending a workshop, a teleclass, conference, lunch with people who love to explore the "deep" questions or working with a coach or a combination of the above that keeps you living on the edge. Whatever it is, make sure you include it in your life. This week, schedule something when you can dedicate yourself to doing what a leader does - thinking planning, strategizing creating.

About the Author
Ruth Zanes has been a Business, Career and Personal Success Coach since 1985. Her broad range of experience prior to coaching includes consultant, business ownership and corporate executive for some of the world’s largest corporations. Contact Ruth at: