Business Choices - New Directions
the recent tragedy. Not a surprise, really. Figure out what luxuries
you can do without, and re-evaluate your business. What part of
your business can you kick-start and make productive now?
Concentrate on businesses that are now in demand - computers,
telecommunications, insurance, health, safety, national pride - the
staples of what are needed for everyday life and business. These
will remain businesses which will continue to make money. People
need to depend on certain ideals, products and services.
There will be more competition for travel services and certain types
of entertainment - as people are avoiding travel more now - and
your portion will go down significantly. Think of businesses which
will survive, and ones you should shelve for now. This is not a good
time for hotels, travel, certain forms of entertainment, catering, and
such . These are all in dire straits right now.
There are many services still needed and succeeding. If there are any
support services you can offer - such as grief counseling, making
patriotic symbols, giving hope, strength and courage in these times -
these support type of offerings should do well. If you know of types
of entertainment that are local, those can be promoted, as well -
people still need fun and diversions in bad times.
If you offer safety and protection, cell phones, filtering units, people
and pet food, health and beauty supplies, and the like, you should
concentrate on those. People always depend on these through all types
of times. If these offer residual income, all the better.
Right now there are more people being laid off and probably looking
for opportunities, especially the possibility of working at home and
spending more time with the family, walking the kids to the bus and
picking them up again - having more precious time with those who
mean so much. If new people are coming to the Internet scene, they
will need more of the tools and tips to help them promote and learn
to be web-savvy. These tools and services should do well, also, if they
are truly of value and deliver as promised.
Think about the products and services you have available to offer, and
figure out the reaspons people will want them now. If you cannot figure
out why anyone would want to buy into it now, put it aside and don't
waste any effort on it. If you can find an "angle" that will make it of
value in these times, then use that and go promote it.
Think about your direction and plan your business focus accordingly.
Shift it as needed for the times. And don't give up - times are tough
for everyone right now - you can still figure out how to make things
work if you sit back, re-evaluate, and re-focus.
About the Author
Pauliina Roe
Opportunities Knock - or Don't - We report scams, and bring you
the best in tips, tools, tricks, and shortcuts for running a credible
and successful Internet-based business. Without the hype.