Business Intelligence : Accelerate Your Business Performance
Business Intelligence Definition
The basic definition of business intelligence "the process of
gathering information about a business or industry matter; a
broad range of applications and technologies for gathering,
storing, analyzing, and providing access to data that helps to
make business decisions."
Business Intelligence Includes
Business intelligence (BI) includes software applications,
technologies and analytical methodologies that perform data
analysis. Business intelligence covers data mining, Web mining,
text mining, reporting and querying, OLAP, and data
Knowledge management is part of Business Intelligence
Knowledge management is one of the methods in business
intelligence. Knowledge management has been defined as "the
technique and tools for capturing, storing, organizing, and
making knowledge" Business intelligence is driven by an
objective laid by the company. The duration of the objective may
be short period or long period.
Business Intelligence Software
Business Intelligence software enables users to integrate and
analyze data. Business intelligence software enables us to
explore all the business information instantly and effectively.
Business intelligence helps the business management to access
up-to-date and accurate information about the business
performance. Identifying and understanding business
opportunities in this vast business environment requires far
more than an understanding of technology trends.
OLAP powerful BI Software
The most popular business intelligence tool is OLAP (Online
Analytical Processing). OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is a
powerful, Business Intelligence & enterprise reporting
application for small and medium organizations with the capacity
to fully Integrate Enterprise Information.
OLAPBrowser delivers incredible reporting power. Create global
and enterprise information delivery systems, executive
information Systems and personal analytical application.
About the author:
Ramki is with Axsellit Technologies
( Business
Software. Axsellit Software delivers professional,
benefit-enriched business solutions with an unbeatable
performance-to-price ratio. Axsellit Technologies provides
Business Intelligence Software