It gets a bit confusing and all too often you lose vital links
and bits of information. This article will show you in simple
terms, how I organize my files and stuff, it may even give you
some ideas that you can use with your current system.
This is just what I do, and it's written for those of us that
aren't super wizz internet geeks.
A Directory is something in your computer that looks like a
manilla envelope. It's often called a folder. You use these as
you would a huge manilla folder (in real life), because you can
put so many pages "Files" in them, you can also put other
"Folders/Directories" in them, this makes a "sub directory" or
"subfolder". First, I'll assume you can do the basics or else
you wouldn't be reading this. So in "my documents" Click on
"Make a new folder" and call it "Internet Business" this folder
is now a sub folder of "my documents". SAVE EVERYTHING TO DO
WITH YOUR INTERNET BUSINESS IN "internet business" according to
the subfolders we are about to make.
Second, Open "Internet business" and click on "new folder" as
you just did in "my documents". Now you will be making
subfolders of "Internet business" go ahead and make as many as
you can think of! These will get you started! "Mailing lists",
"Loginsfo", "web building Stuff", Affilliate referral urls",
"Click ex referal urls", "Affilliate Banners", "Click banners",
"Draft articles", "Email letters".
In each of these folders you're going to place "files", I use
note book for everything now. When I started I was using excel
and word. But the problem with using them is that they are too
big and too slow, especially when you are trying to do 10
different things at once. Using "notebook" will save space on
your hard drive and is a lot more "light weight" so it's faster
and speed is everything! It also gives you some experience that
will come in handy later when you start writing "html code".
That's probably a good subject for another article.
Finally, now you should have a directory set up with lots of
empty folders, and files. Simply save everything you come across
in one of the sub folders of "Internet business" and if you need
to you can create more sub folders of "internet business" or
subfolders of the subfolders, etc.
That's one simple way to keep all your important information.
I sincerely wish you good luck and happiness
Bill Boyd
About the author:
The above article was produced by Bill Boyd as of one of the
many training and mentoring projects that are part of the
activity based training programs provided for free at:
http://www.internetprofitmentor.com Go there now take action!
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