History Of The Computer; Analog Or Digital?
What is meant by 'Analog' and 'Digital'? A couple of examples
will explain the difference. An analog is something which is
analogous, obviously, but you may know that an analogous process
or function is one that is equivalent, or very similar to
another one. An analogy is often used to explain, or to assist
the understanding of, some new feature in terms that are
For example a home electric circuit for house wiring to operate
a lamp. The supply is controlled by a circuit breaker, when it
is available at the outlet where the lamp is plugged. This can
be compared to plumbing, where the water supply is controlled by
a valve or tap on entering the home, then pipes carry the water
to the kitchen, where the supply can be turned on or off by a
tap or faucet, and is immediately available. The rate of flow of
the water can be controlled, which is analogous to a dimmer on
the lamp.
The analogy is not absolutely the same, but aids in the
understanding of the electricity supply by someone who knows the
plumbing system.
Digital, concerning digits or numbers, refers to the use of
numbers to represent all things. As an example, a digital watch
uses numbers to indicate the time. The numbers on the face of
traditional watch are distributed around the dial, so that the
hands pointing to them are analogous to the passage of time. For
example the minute hand pointing straight down, half way through
the circle of the clock, represents the passing of half an hour.
If the hour hand is pointing to the number 3, this indicates 3
hours of the 12 for a complete circuit. When we learnt to tell
the time we knew that this was half past three. The digital
watch however says 3:30.
Closer to our topic, we can consider the evolution of the
gramophone record. The vinyl LP was the standard medium for
music recording and playing from the 1950s, tape recordings were
also developed in parallel. Both these media use a modulation
system, where the amplitude, or strength, of the modulation is
proportional, or analogous, to the loudness of the original live
singing or playing. This music had been converted by a
microphone into a variable electrical signal, analogous to the
With the invention in the 1980s of the Compact Disc, digital
techniques were employed to represent the changes in sound
levels, by using a sampling pulse to monitor the loudness of the
sound. This sampling pulse is used at a high frequency, so that
it is not audible, and traces the progress of the sound. The
principle is analogous to the movie camera where a sequence of
still pictures are shown at a rate of 32 frames per second, so
that they appear to show a moving picture. Similarly a tv uses a
frame rate of 50 or 60 per second (strictly speaking 25 0r 30
The big advantage of a digital recording and reproduction system
(amplifiers etc are also digital) is that, due to the nature of
the high frequency pulses, it is possible to copy them exactly
when transferring from one medium to another, for example
copying a from cd track to compilation cd. With an analogue
system there are losses in every transfer, so that a recording
on a cassette tape copied from a vinyl lp via a home stereo is
noticeably poorer quality than the original.
A computer can also be analog or digital, though the digital
type have vastly outgrown the analog. An analog computer might
be used in research work, where, for instance a record may be
made on a moving chart of the temperature and humidity in a room
being air conditioned by a new design air conditioner, the chart
could also be a display on screen. Either way, the graph is an
analog representation of the temperature and pressure.
Early electronic controls in aircraft were run by a form of
analog computer, the amount the ailerons moved was proportional
to the movement of the joystick, but not directly proportional.
A calculation was performed, which depended on the speed and
height of the aircraft, and other factors. The electronic
'boxes' involved linear amplifiers and variable response
circuits, all fed by sensors from the flight controls etc.
Subsequent articles in this series are concerned only with
digital computers. We look at how they are put together, and how
they perform, in simple steps, more and more advanced
About the author:
Tony is an experienced computer engineer. He is currently
webmaster and contributor to http://www.what-why-wisdom.com .
This article, with 'emergence of electronics' precedes 'It's a
binary world - how computers count'. A set of diagrams
accompanying these articles may be seen at
http://www.what-why-wisdom.com/history-of-the-computer-0.html .