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How to Learn Enough about Computers

How to Learn Enough about Computers
to Run an Online Business Easily and Efficiently
By Nam Tran Ybarra
When I started my Online Business back in
November 2000, I knew nothing about computers.
Nothing!! All I knew was how to open my hotmail
account and check email! Could you believe it?
I didn't know what browser was, HTML, uploading,
downloading,create folder.I was having problems with
everything, you name it, and I was having problems with it.
Well, I searched the web and came across
this website- I can tell you this is extremely
wonderful site- it teaches you HTML, Java script,
and much more....with a very interesting way- you
will have a lot of fun with Doctor Joe. Very easy to
understand and best of all it's free!!!
In just seven days, you will learn enough
about HTML to build your first website! Here is
the website URL:
If you are a beginner, you should start from
Another resource where free lessons send to
your mailbox is
For a small fee you can have personal support also.
A very good ebook : The Complete HTML Teacher
is a must read.This book give you a comprehensive
everything you need to know to build your online
website-business. You can download this ebook
at my free members site:
or send a blank email
One more thing I would like to share with you is the
feeling you get once you "Graduate" from these
classes, it is exhilarating. You'll have knowledge you
never thought you could have. You'll be doing things you
thought only those * Other* people could do.
Remember don't hesitate, JUST DO IT!!.
Once you acquire these skills, you will be able to
start earning a living online. This will impress your
friends, family and co-workers. Don't give up! Even
if you don't know how to type yet, and can barely
get to your Window desktop, you can still get totally
up to speed within 4-5 months if you work at it.
As I told you earlier, when I first started I knew
nothing.Not only that, English is not my mother
language, so you could imagine how difficult it was
for me! The right direction is there, but no one can
take the courses for you JUST YOU. Nothing is
Stopping you but YOU. If I Can, then You Can Too!!
(c)2001 Nam Tran Ybarra
My articles may be reprinted freely as long as articles
and resource box remain unchanged. Thank you.
Resource box is as:
Nam Tran Ybarra
Publisher YouCanToo Newsletter