Professional Help with Your Computer May Be Cheaper Than You Think
The worst part is, you could probably fix some of these things
yourself if you just had a little help or guidance. Calling a
professional, while sometimes necessary, can be both a greater
inconvenience and of course a greater cost. It may take forever
to contact them, and when you do get in touch with the help
desk, they always make you reboot the thing twelve times before
you get any real advice.
Let me be clear on a couple things before we continue. First, I
am a professional computer technician and have been working in
the industry for over 15 years. There are numerous occasions
where a professional is needed to help with or repair your PC.
It is often my advice to have your system evaluated at least one
every three months. On top of that, there are many things a
novice should not try on their PC for fear of causing more harm
than good. Not everything is this way though.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Your best way to help
maintain your computer is by staying informed and educated. I'm
not suggesting everyone run out and get a Computer Science
degree, but I am suggesting you use some of the top notch free
resources that are available to you. The largest these days is
of course the internet.
Don't get nervous yet, I'm not suggesting you look up some super
hi-tech article and study it until you know it inside and out.
You don't have to. The net is full of people who already
understand these things and are more than willing to pass some
of that understanding on to you. They do this in forums.
Forums are a wonderful thing. A lot of forums are actual cyber
communities of people who love to talk about various topics.
They have people of varying skill sets, all interacting in a
friendly supportive way. I know there's a free computer support
forum out there with people in it just waiting to answer some of
your questions.
So next time those pop ups are driving you crazy, and you can't
reach your favorite help desk, stop by a computer support forum.
You'll be surprised at how good an experience it can be.
About the author:
D. David Dugan is the president of DD&C
( and personally helps to maintain their
computer support forum at as well as
their Spyware Information site