Save your eyes from the computer
They may also have chronically dry eyes, and the eye strain may also just be tiredness from overuse of the eyes. To solve this uncomfortable eye strain problem, simply close your eyes for a few minutes – it will help refocus your eyes.
Blinking also helps because it gives moisture to the eyes. Artificial tears also help since strain can lead to eye dryness and re-moistening your eyes – either artificial tears or by blinking – is a great way to ease your tight eye muscles.
It is important that people wear eyeglasses that correctly fit because wearing the wrong kind of glasses will just contribute more to the eye strain.
It is also possible that wearing these ill-fitting eyeglasses will predispose the individual to develop eye strain.
It is important that people wear eyeglasses that correctly fit because wearing the wrong kind of glasses will just contribute more to the eye strain.
It is also possible that wearing these ill-fitting eyeglasses will predispose the individual to develop eye strain.
About the author:
Hege Crowton is establishing herself as an expert copywriter.
She is known for doing in-depth research before writing her articles.
Many of her articles are posted on
and she also does a lot of writing for
Copyright 2005