Spyware The Enemy To You And Your Computer
Spyware was originally designed to monitor and transmit back
information to its "home" or creator without the user's
knowledge sometimes. This data would used to send back
advertising ads usually popup to your computer. Over time
spyware has changed and grown and now it has four biggest types
of "malicious software" and threat to computers worldwide along
with viruses, Trojans and worms.
So what are the major dangers with spyware running in the back
ground on your computer system? To start spyware can cripple
your computer and slow your computer to a crawl this is due to
the way installs itself and configured to start whenever you
boot up your computer system and runs all the time. The spyware
steals both your computer resources and also your computer
internet bandwidth. If network with multiple computers like a
small business or home based business then the infected system
with spyware can cause the over all network to slow down.
Another issue with spyware is the danger of invasion of privacy.
Remember that these programs can collect all types of data from
you computer system and then send back to its creator. Spyware
usually collects information that can be used for advertising,
marketing to see what websites you visit on a frequent bases.
However there is a always that potential to user spyware to
collect personal information such as financial, credit card and
personal ID the purpose of identity thief or to gain access to
those accounts along with email accounts and address books for
spam purposes.
The latest way to infest you computer system have gotten even
worse by using a bot net. This is where a computer or group of
computers with a bot or "robot" software that works together to
launch attacks on other computers to infect them with spyware.
These bot nets currently focus more installing spyware programs
on targeted victim computers.
Some of the most common forms of spyware are Bargain Buddy,
Gain, b3b projector, Gator, n-Case, SaveNow, Search Toolbar,
Webhancer and Search Assistant. These are just some the current
spyware out today which can be difficult to uninstall toolbars
to hijackers that take over you home page and pop-up windows
Promoters of spyware or Adware say that they are doing nothing
wrong because in some cases you agree to the terms of the
service or EULA which states that you will provide this
information to these companies.
Usually spyware will store files on your computer from a few
cookies to .dll files and registry entries installed on your
computer. Spyware is like another type of programs on your
computer and when they run it used your computers systems memory
and processor to keep it running which ties up valuable system
resources on your computer.
Although some people may not mind generating data for these
companies but even if it is the friendliest type of spyware
these types of programs can lead to issue and can even
compromise the computer security.
In my experience as an IT professional that on some systems that
are so infected with spyware the only way to get the computer
running normally was to completely reinstall the operating
system because if a system is that impacted it takes hours and
hours to remove the spyware and even then some of the worse
types might still be on the computer.
Spyware along with other malicious software can cause serious
issues and problems with how your computer operates and although
there are some spyware removal program that you can run that
will help protect and remove these types of programs. A couple
of programs that I recommend are Ad-Aware from Lava Soft and
Spyware Doctor 3.2 from PC tools. But even with these programs I
always recommend the full backup of your computer system because
there are still other malicious software program and hardware
issue such as hard drive failures that can occur. By running
regular backups on your computer system you ensure the
protection of your data.
In conclusion spyware on your computer can be a lot of trouble
for the person computer or if you operate a small business or
home office. The best idea is to keep your computer system free
of spyware and to run software protection just incase your
computer is imfected.
Hopefully this article has been informative and helpful to you.
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About the author:
John Maier is an IT professional with years of IT experience
supporting large companies and small businesses and the owner of
Business Computing Guide which is a great place to find
information and computer solutions for your small business or
home office computing. For more information go to:
http://www.business-computing-guide.com Copyright 2005