Tackling slow computer shutdowns
Answer : Slow shutdowns can be due to various reasons. The main
reason for slow shutdowns is page file clearing. This is
especially indicated if the hard disk light goes on and stays on
while the operating system (OS) is shutting down.
The page file is a file on the hard disk that's used as virtual
memory. Virtual memory augments the random access memory on the
system board. Since the page file may contain sensitive
information, many OSes can be set to clear the page file when it
(the OS) shuts down.
Many Web sites state this improves the security posture of an
OS. They're not wrong in this, except that saying this improves
the security posture of an OS is a little like saying installing
12 locks and a biometric identification system with voice
analysis improves the security posture of a house.
Page file compromise is very low risk because there are many
other ways to attempt to compromise the security and integrity
of an OS, many of which would be easier and have better yield
rates. Because of this, this option is not recommended for all
but the most secure environments.
In Windows, this option is controlled by a registry entry. The
registry entry in question is "ClearPageFile-AtShutdown". This
key is usually located in the
Manager\Memory Management section of the registry.
To attempt to turn off page file clearing, start (run) the
program regedt32.exe and navigate to the HKEY_ LOCAL
_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control \ Session
Manager\Memory Management section. On the right pane, check if
the entry "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" is visible. If it is,
right-click on it and select Modify from the pop-up menu. When
the EDIT DWORD window pops up, type "0" in the box under Value
Data and click on the OK button. After the PC restarts, the next
shutdown should take a little less time.
Another possibility is that there are programs or services that
take some time to shut down. In general, it is not advisable to
have too many services or programs running in the background
because all these will have to be terminated before the OS can
shut down gracefully.
To test for this, try closing all open programs and manually
shutting down all background applications (including all
firewall/anti-virus software) just before shutting down the OS.
Most background applications can be shut down by right-clicking
on the icon in the taskbar and selecting Exit or some similar
option. If it shuts down faster after all the background
applications have been shut down, it's possible that there are
one or more background applications that take a long time to
shut down. If this is the case, not much can be done other than
shutting down the offending application or finding a way to
configure the parent program so it doesn't load a background
application when it starts.
The offending application can be identified by looking through
the event logs (Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools
--> Event Viewer). If nothing looks amiss, it can also be
identified in this manner: First, shutdown a background
application and then shut down the OS. Not the shutdown time. On
the next restart, shut down another background application and
note the shutdown time. This should be repeated for every
application that runs in the background. If at any time the
shutdown time improves after a background application is shut
down, the same application becomes a prime suspect in the "slow
shutdown time" issue.
It's also possible to decrease shutdown time by decreasing the
time Windows waits for hung and slow applications to shut down.
To change this time, open the registry editor (regedt32) and
navigate to the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control section.
From here, right-click on "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" and select
Modify. In the box under ValueData, enter the time (in
millisecond) the OS should wait until it summarily kills the
service. The default value is 20,000 (20,000 milliseconds or 20
Other settings that can be added here include "Hung-AppTimeout"
and "Auto-EndTasks".
HungAppTimeout controls the amount of time the OS should wait
before killing a hung or frozen application. AutoEndTasks tells
the OS when to end hung applications automatically, or display
the End Tasks dialogue. To add any of the two settings,
right-click on the right pane and select New --> String Value.
Enter the name of the setting (HungApp-Timeout or AutoEndTasks
as appropriate). Next, right-click on the added setting, select
Modify and enter an appropriate value.
For HungAppTimeout, an appropriate value is the amount (in
millisecond) that the OS should wait before terminating an
application. Suitable values for AutoEndTasks include "0" and "1
", with "0" meaning "end hung applications automatically, do not
show End Tasks dialogue" and "I" meaning "show End Tasks
dialogue when the shutdown time exceeds the value stated in
If using Internet Explorer, ensuring that the browser clears the
Temporary Internet Files folder every time it shuts down (Tools
--> Internet Options --> Advanced --> Empty Temporary Internet
Files folder when browser is closed) and defragmenting the hard
disk drive may result in faster shutdown times.
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