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Thongs, Computers and Celery.

At first, it might not be easy to make a connection between the three of them, but it is there!

Casings: All three have "casings" in common. Generally speaking, a thong is a casing made of fabric. A computer like a thong, can have casings made of many materials.
Celery though, is confined by natural and scientific manipulation, in its casing material.

It doesn't end there. All three can be wired, washed and whittled.
Colours depend on available pigments but have some flexibility.
Functionality is dependent on privacy.
Mice can have a negative effect.
An unpredictable shower of hailstones can change their properties.
Pre and post Christmas sales can affect the cost of all.
Your grandmother would not necessarily be familiar with all three.

Spam does not always compliment them.
All three can be made in China.
Mayonnaise must be sparingly used, not such much due to its high calorific content, but more because of skin allergy and electrocution likelihood.
One size does not fit all.
Product selection depends on taste.
All three items should be disposed of, separately.

Now, Dietary effects of thongs, computers and celery:
Thongs can obstruct the gut, and manufacturer guidelines should be adhered to.
Computers can also be detrimental, in cases of crashes, identity theft, and of course any swallowing of them.
Celery is less harmful but the cellular membranes (cellulose), which support it, may not suit the digestive systems of everyone. Ask your local farmer for advice.

Known locations of thongs, computers and celery:
Anywhere there are people, entrepreneurs and fertilizers.

Known references to thongs, computers and celery:

About the Author
Tranni D'Electric is an "expert" columnist with and an "authority" on electronics.
Her brain may be fried from too much logic, though she does her best.