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Understanding Domain Name Reseller

As the domain name becomes a commodity as of this time, many companies are then doing something for a profit out of the domain names. So as this event happened, the concept for domain name reseller or reselling emerged. The domain name reseller is now one of the common somewhat "profession" in the world of domain names. But even though the term "domain name reseller" is commonly heard, still many people are ignorant about it. The domain name reseller is then a commonly heard term but seldom understood.

So what is a domain name reseller?

Generally, a domain name reseller is a company or individual that is selling their own domain names. Today, there are almost thousands of domain name resellers in the whole world that some of them really carry wide and varied choices of domain names.

Speaking of the domain name reseller, one of the commonly noted and widely trusted companies that billed a number of domain name resellers is the Here, if you want to become a reseller, it is interesting for you to know that there are several standards that the company holds. They in fact grant anyone to be a domain name reseller when he or she engaged in the act of purchasing or upgrading. In this sense, they are enabled for 200 MB or above package for the company's domain name reseller program. And, so for you to start reselling hosting packages, you need to buy or upgrade to reseller hosting package that is reseller enabled.

The reseller under this company is then identified as someone who resells the's hosting packages under their respective names. As such, the domain name resellers bill and support their customers and the company in general remains anonymous.

In terms of hosting packages under this particular company, those who engaged in such kind of job can order hosting packages by just arranging their own hosting packages automatically in their control panels through the "add domain" button. This is the common way that most companies offered to the domain name resellers.

And since the great number of domain name resellers is billed by the, it is very nice to know that those who are at such kind of work are billed in bulk for all hosting packages ordered. It is considered that all first month hosting payment is due at the time of the hosting package order. All of the domain name resellers are billed by the company on a monthly basis through the application of the credit card.

Moreover, most of the domain name resellers receive certain discounts for being a domain name reseller. Most companies like the set these discounts depending on the type of the hosting package that is offered. And if granted, the domain name resellers can of course sell their own domain names at their preferred prices. And since the case for domain name reselling continues to become widely known, many companies today provide their own domain name plans for resellers that are somewhat similar with most companies' e-commerce plan plus some additional highlights.

So as a domain name reseller, you are allowed to purchase the hosting accounts at a discounted price and then resell them to your customers at your respective price. The principle behind this type of job actually holds that you have control over your site and your customers.

About the Author: Laurie Mitch is a domain name specialist who writes for
