eBay Listing Tips
Consider multiple auctions for spelling variations - If you have
multiple quantities of the same items for sale, consider having
two or more listings with different spelling variations of the
product in the title. For instance you could either be selling
"tshirts" or "t-shirts".
Include only keywords in your title - Never waste your space by
including the words like "LOOK" or "WOW". No one searches for
those terms and you are just using up space instead of your
valuable search phrases. Make sure you keep your title using the
major searchable keyword phrases only.
Include keywords in your description - A lot of people search by
description too so make sure you repeat your keyword phrases in
your description as well. However make it easily readable and
not just a bunch of random words lumped together.
Include lots of details in your description - People want to
know exactly what it is you have for sale. Include "too much"
information just to be sure, otherwise you could lose a
potential bid! Even things like dimensions, wattage, color, and
details like that are very important! Don't make the seller
chase you down by having to ask a question, it's very
frustrating to them.
Learn to use HTML or an HTML editor - Listers who lump all of
their text into one paragraph sell 30% less than people who
break their paragraphs up and make it more readable. Also avoid
using all capital letters and just make it all around easy on
the eye.
Talk to your potential bidders as a friend - These people are
bidding on an item from a total stranger. Don't talk to them
with "business talk" in the description, talk as if you were
chatting with a friend. It builds up trust.
Add color and graphics - Don't go overboard with too many things
that takes the listing too long to load, but adding some color
and graphics will enhance the listing and make it more
By using these very simple techniques, you will have a better
eBay Auction. You will get more bids, thus driving your sales
higher and you will have a higher chance of success in your eBay
Auction Business!
About the author:
Jennifer Clason is the site owner and operator of MommyJobs.com.
She has been running a full-time home-based Internet business
for 7+ years now and owns more than 10 different Internet Sales