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Hundreds of Items to Sell on eBay - Right in Your Own Neighborhood!

Can't come up with enough items to sell on eBay? Try this simple technique - it may shock you!

A few years ago I saw a young boy walking up and down the sidewalks in our neighborhood passing out flyers. At each home he placed a flyer at the front door making sure it was out of the weather. You could tell from the way he walked and attended to details he was very sure of himself, obviously, he had done this before!

Well of course I was intrigued by this young mans determination and thoroughness.

Just what was he passing out?

So I waited till he put one of his flyers on our doorstep and immediately snatched it up. So what was he up to? Soliciting for the Boy scouts? For his school? For his church? For his club? Looking for donations? Looking for subscriptions? I knew that whatever he was selling he was major committed to it, that was real clear!

So what caused so much committment? And what was he promoting?

He was promoting himself!

Needless to say I was impressed. Here was a young man out walking up and down the streets of my neighborhood creating income for himself. The same street I drove up and down each and every day. As I though more and more about this it occurred to me that it was just a matter of perspective.

You see I saw the streets in my neighborhood as just a way of getting from point A to point B. He didn't see it that way at all. This young man had quite a different perspective! He saw nothing but opportunity up one side and down the other of each street.

Each house represent potential income! And the best part about it is that he had figured out a way to do it without facing rejection, in fact, his method was rejection free.

You see his flyer just asked, very politely, if the homeowner had any odds and ends they would like to sell... and then he put his first name and phone number. Now most people when they picked up his flyer I'm sure thought about all the stuff most of us know we have holed up in our garages, attics, and basements collecting dust.

What do you think the chances of this young man getting phone calls were?

I'll help you out here, his chances were high! In fact he figured out how to increase the probability of a phone call by actually listing the type of odds and ends he was looking for.

So let me lay this out.
He didn't have any initial face-to-face encounters so he eliminated rejection
He turned the situation around and now people were actually calling him to see if he was interested in something they had. (Let's see... who's in the superior position now?)
Since they were now calling him it put him in a MUCH better bargaining position.
No rejection. He either wanted the item or not.
It made the entire process FUN!
Talk about a Cheap, Creative, and Productive technique for finding items to resell on eBay.

What are you waiting for? Fire up the computer and make that first flyer.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Power Seller
of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside
secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay.
Claim your FREE 14 Day "Learn How to Sell on eBay" e-Course Here: