Improve Your eBay Auction Selling Technique
Without question, the biggest challenge of auction selling is to
get the people to come to your posting and make a bid. The
traffic is definitely out there and people are scouring the Ebay
business website every minute of the day looking for that next
great deal. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind that will help
you get the buyers to come to your postings time and time again.
Know Your Product
Any great salesperson is an absolute expert on the products or
services that they are selling. They are never caught off guard
by a question that they do not know the answer to and customers
respect this. A solid auction selling reputation is built upon a
sound knowledge of the products or services being sold. So
before you post anything, do your homework!
Standard and Simple Sales Policy
People hate to feel stupid so don't have a confusing sales
policy with awkward shipping requirements. You don't want
someone to think something costs $20 and be surprised by an
extra $8 in unnecessary shipping costs. Give the customer some
options such as insurance and expedited shipping, but keep your
standard shipping procedures as cheap as possible and easy to
understand. Auction selling is a somewhat risky endeavor for
buyers, so you may want to consider a refund policy to help
build trust and confidence.
Customer Service Guru
If you want to be a serious player in the auction selling game,
you are going to need repeat customers or at least a great
reputation so that word of you and your great deals spreads
throughout the Ebay business site. So, if you get a question via
e-mail, immediately respond and try offering something a little
extra like some history on the product or manufacturer(see, this
is where knowing your product will really pay off!). Make people
feel special and they cannot help but like you and they will
come back time and time again.
Timing Critical to Ebay Auctions
Before you post any listing, do some research. Auction selling
is far more profitable if you are not competing against 10 other
people offering the same products or services. So, should you
learn that the competition in your particular area is intense,
wait a little while until they have sold their wares before
listing yours. Just a few short days can add up to a lot more
money so patience and doing your homework are rewarded on the
Ebay business website.
Auction selling is really like any business in that you need to
keep the customers coming in if you want to be successful and
make any real money. The ideas listed above are certainly not
earth shattering secrets nor will they guarantee your Ebay
auctions to be a resounding success. But, if you don't take them
to heart and apply them to your online auction business, then
you will find it almost impossible to be the next great Ebay
business success!
About the author:
Jason James is an eBay PowerSeller and his website "Auction
Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources
that help him earn $10,000+ a month on eBay. Claim your FREE
e-Course Here: http://www.auctionre