Make Money On Ebay With Public Domain Products
The "public domain" is the collection of all documents that are
publicly-owned. This usually includes really old documents and
books, government documents and information, and documents
created specifically for the public domain.
There are thousands and thousands of documents currently in the
public domain, many of which are easily accessible over the
Before you can cash in on this goldmine, you must first find a
product people are actively searching for on ebay. It could be
information about building computers; it could be information
about curing acne; it could be information about breeding dogs.
There are dozens of possibilities.
Once you have determined what type of product you want to create
and sell on ebay, you should start trying to put together some
public domain information for your product.
Let's say you selected "dog breeding" for your product. You can
start compiling information and pictures by searching for "dog
breeding" on and If the pictures
and information you pull up fall into the "public domain," then
save them in a folder on your computer.
Next, search Google for publicly-owned "dog breeding"sites and
government sites that have information about dog breeding. Add
all of the information you find to the same folder.
Organize all of this information logically and put it into a
single word-processing document.
Now go to, download the trial version, and use it
to compile your public domain product in PDF format.
Your next step is to take this public domain product and make
money on ebay selling it. This is pretty simple. If you found a
good market niche, you should have no problem making money on
Sell the product as you would normally sell anything on ebay.
Remember to pack your auction title and description with
highly-trafficked, related keywords. Include a picture and long
description for your PDF "ebook."
Whenever someone purchases your product, you can simply email
them an attached file with your product.
If you want to minimize the amount of work you have to do, you
can automate the download process by setting up a custom
check-out with paypal that redirects your customers to a
download page on your website (if you own one). If you don't own
a website, you can upload the file to a free
account and direct your buyers there.
You now will have a completely automated sales machine that will
constantly make money on ebay. All you have to do is setup the
auctions--and your machine will do the rest.
About the author:
Jason James website 'The Auction Resource Network' reveals his
inside secrets and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 a
month on eBay.
Claim your FREE 'Top 10 eBay Selling Secrets' eBook: www.auctionresourcen