Why it Makes Sense to be Cool on eBay - Selling the Unusual
It's undeniably true, selling a product that is in demand can be a sensible commercial strategy.
However, there are some potential downsides in concentrating on "hot selling" products.
You could be left with stock on your hands, as your hot selling items move out of fashion.
You could find it difficult to shift stock at a profit, as the number of sellers offering identical hot selling products increases.
Now, this may not happen to you. You might find you can make a good living listing "hot sellers".
But here's an alternative, or an additional, strategy for you to consider.
We all know that virtually anything will sell on eBay. In other words, you don't necessarily have to offer hot selling products.
Instead of looking for the best selling items, why not study some PowerSellers and see what they offer? You might be surprised.
As an example, there's a PowerSeller who makes an excellent living selling magnets.
Another PowerSeller sells CDs which he creates for specific markets.
There are several who concentrate on selling Public Domain information. One offers prints of house plans from very old properties.
Then there's the seller who specializes in greetings cards of days gone by.
What I find intriguing is that items which I might consider to be uninteresting always seem to have a group of buyers who will bid on eBay.
The message here is that the most successful sellers may just give you an idea of a new market for you.
Don't be afraid to try the less obvious. The hottest items may not always be the best strategy.
Be cool!
About the Author
Brian McGregor is an eBay and internet entrepreneur. He recently created the 'eBay Master Class' for eBay sellers. For your free copy, please go to http://www.workwinners.com/ebm-request.htm