You Can Sell on eBay Too
When I first began to consider starting my own website I considered selling on eBay because I had read so many articles on it. You see advertisements on the internet about making $11,000 a month selling on eBay. I could never understand how the people found the products to sell, allowing for such big profits. I finally discovered how it was done, and now that I know how I feel silly for not figuring it out sooner. The secret is DROP SHIPPING.
There are wholesalers all over the country that will ship products to your customers once you make a sale. There is a lot that goes into finding a drop shipper however. First, you need to find one that sells the products you are interested in selling. Then you need to narrow those down to find the legitimate companies and weed out the companies looking to scam people, and you know they are out there. You should try and find one that offers excellent service because they reflect directly on you as a seller. Your customers will not know it is not you shipping the product, unless you tell them of course. Some of the companies charge you drop shipping fees to deliver the product so you will obviously want to find one that does not charge these fees.
If you do a Google search for drop shippers the first couple of pages pull up a bunch of sites that offer many of the same products for similar prices. In some case the products they offer are pretty close to regular retail prices on the internet. So, how do you find the right drop shipping company? In my search to answer this question I found a site that has done all the research for you:
Worldwide Brands is a site focused on researching and bringing quality, reputable drop shippers to its visitors. I bought the plan for $69.95 that allows you access all the results of their research. Their site allows you to search by product type, drop shippers names, and brand name. If you know the name of a drop shipper you want to research you can do it with this site. If you want to sell a specific product you can find all the drop shippers offering that product. If you want to sell a specific name brand this site will show you all the drop shippers selling that brand. The site also tells you what type of payments the company accepts and if they charge a drop shipping fee. Because there are too many companies out there that are not credible if you are considering this type of work-from-home business you might seriously consider spending $69.95 to eliminate some of the risk of joining up with the wrong drop shipper.
I have also come across a company I personally like very much, Dropship Design offers some features I have not seen yet. They provide you with a website that you can name and design how you want it. They will provide you with 35,000 products to sell. You can also add other products on their site. So, if you are working with more than one drop shipping company, which most people do, you can put their products on this site as well. Most drop shippers require you to sell a product on your site and then pay them and they will ship the product. Dropship Design handles everything and they will deposit your profits into your Paypal account. You literally need to do nothing once you set up your site and set your prices.
If you have considered an eBay selling business or even selling retail on a site of your own these are two excellent resources to make that happen for you.
About The Author
Scott Bianchi operates He writes on a variety of topics. If you would like to be added to his distribution list for his new articles when they are published just send an email to