eBooks: The Only Books?
In increasing numbers, books are now digitized; i.e. becoming
eBooks. Though industry numbers vary, some sources already place
eBook sales at 35% of the overall total of yearly book sales.
Book reviewers, likewise, increasingly shift their critical gaze
away from traditional hardbound and soft-cover books to eBooks,
which either appear solely in digital format, or as alternatives
to their tangible world counterparts. And not only do eBook
reviewers now regularly give resoundingly influential thumbs up
or down to specific eBooks, but entire websites are available to
review, catalogue and otherwise provide information on eBooks in
an increasing number of categories. In fact, the breath of
reading materials contained within an eBook's pages already
exceeds traditional (and at present most sought after, and thus
lucrative) self-help eBooks to encompass even literature's canon
(formerly only found gold-leafed and leather-bound) from Homer
to Shakespeare.
Monster search engines, with Google™ of course leading the
charge (and Yahoo!, Microsoft's MSN, and bookseller Amazon.com
in tow) are years into developing systems that will digitize the
printed word. Despite copyright infringement lawsuits hurled
like spears from traditional book publishers, steps have been
taken to digitize several large libraries whose collections
presently exist in the public domain (thus not subject to
copyright law). Microsoft, for instance, is digitizing 100,000
such books from the British Library. Additionally, Random House
recently became the first of the traditional publishing
behemoths to realize their future, in part, relied upon selling
eBooks, and began digitizing portions of their catalogue.
Finally, Amazon.com is setting up a cheaper alternative, a
"pay-per-view" system not much unlike checking books out of a
library for a nominal fee.
In the future, many experts predict, if we read something, it
will be read online and online only. Trusted offline information
will be digitized to replace currently less trusted online
information. Access to information will even be available for
purchase piecemeal to accommodate specific needs and interests.
Examples include a chef's recipe without his or her entire
cookbook, a Bible verse without both testaments, a single
chapter relevant to a student's research, and access to the
foreign city a traveler will visit without lugging the guide for
the entire country abroad.
But what is wonderful for the average Joe and Jane, Smith or
Jones about the digitizing of information being but in its most
nascent stages, is that opportunities abound for them to become
primary movers and shakers, pioneering and (thus) profiting from
this revolution. Now is the time to digitize the stores of
information and know-how that you already possess. Don't know
what I mean? Check out the wealth of information accumulating
daily on eBook review websites to read how hundreds of others
did exactly this: turned what they were good at or what
interested them into an eBook now sold to and shared with
likeminded people wanting to learn or benefit from another (and
perhaps former!) Joe or Jane, Smith or Jones' expertise.
Otherwise, not interested in entrepreneurship? No problem. eBook
review websites are still a wonderful place to begin your search
for information. There are links to not only individuals selling
eBooks they wrote, but to eBook exchanges and sellers promoting
libraries worth of eBooks in an astounding number of diverse
categories. Either way, you'll be onboard, running ahead with
the knowledge that not only does "information want to be free"
but it "wants to be online!"
Copyright 2006, Robert K. Blanc. All Rights Reserved. Reprint or
reposting of this article permitted only in its entirety with
the below resource box included and unchanged.
About the author:
About the Author Robert Blanc is a frequent traveler and
freelance writer, having covered current events, niche markets
and subjects of personal interest for both online and
traditional print publications. Recently enamored by the eBook
phenomenon and the booming self-help industry, he regularly
turns to www.ebookreviews.net to
begin his searches for the latest information and eBooks
currently on the market.