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How Simple Is It To Create Your Own Best-Selling eBook?

Everyone really does secretly want to write their own book don't they?

There certainly is an attraction to the control, fame, prestige, publicity - not to mention financial reward from writing your very own best-seller.

What stops most people from acting on their dream then?

Why not write your own book, turn it into your own publicity and profit producing machine?

Having been lucky enough to work with many aspiring authors and information product publishing entrepreneurs, through our site at: , two big questions seem to stand in the way.

How do pick a market and know what topic to write about?

Then comes the question of how a non-writer, someone without formal training can possibly fit writing their own best-seller into their already overwhelming schedule.

From experience, if you can solve question #1, then #2 typically falls into place.

In other words, if you gain the confidence and enthusiasm that comes with believing in your book idea and topic, then finding the time is seldom a challenge.


There are too many methods to find high demand topics to cover in this article - you'll find many of them in our articles posted over at:

One proven method that is drop-dead simple, and that you may already have the ability to use immediately is to develop your own user-friendly, tutorial report, ebook, or video on high-demand software.

How do you start then?

You want to select software that you know is in high demand. Microsoft Office which includes Microsoft Exel, Powerpoint and MS Word are great candidates since they represent the market share leaders in spreadsheets, presentation and publishing software.

Another great way to locate high demand software is to visit which keeps up to date most popular lists for almost any category imagineable along with the number of times its been downloaded.

What do you do next?

Of course, this will be easier if you have some experience with the software, and own a copy so you have a head-start on writing your tutorial.

Now, consider writing a guidebook that would show a certain subset of the population how to use an application.

As an example, take a look at this best-selling ebook over at Amazon titled "This Isn't Excel, This is Magic" s_b_4/ 104-9888363-2508723?v=glance&s=books&n=551440

The author chose to focus on professional advanced users of excel. You could also segment the market into:

- beginners - programmers - small business professionals - home users, budget templates - sales managers etc...

Look at this:

Microsoft even lets you see the most demanded templates for any of their applications - do you think this tells you something about segments of the market?

Why not simply reverse engineer their templates? Describe how users can create (or even customize) a few templates that focus on the same market segment.

What's best about using high demand software as the basis for your information product is that you have a built-in, proven, hungry customer base.

You'll also find many user groups, forums, blogs, and discussion groups offering you lucrative channels to distribute your information product once completed.

If all else fails, and you feel too overwhelmed to take on developing your product yourself, create an outline and outsource the work to a programmer or ghostwriter on one of the many outsource bidding sites such as:

Use this technique again and again to generate your own information product publishing empire - its tough to go wrong when the market is already there waiting for you.

About the author:

Discover how to create your own best-selling eBooks, Special reports or books to sell online ...AND keep 100% of the profits. Limited time complimentary access to 7-Part Minicourse will get you started quickly and easily. Visit: