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How To Create A Money Making eBook In 6 Simple Steps

"How to Create A Money Making eBook in 6 Simple Steps"

The ebook market is in a craze right now and I'm sure that
you want to get in on it, but the problem is that the market
is flooded with ideas on how to do it right. In fact there
are so many opinions on how to make money with selling ebooks
that you might feel a little lost. I know that with my own
experience I would follow one path of advice for a little
while only to find a dead end. Uhgg! Talk about frustration!
So what I decided to do is to outline in just 6 simple steps
how you can create a money-making ebook that really works.

Step 1: Choose Your Subject

Before you do anything you need to find a subject to write
about. In order for your ebook to be popular it needs to be a
subject that people are truly interested in. To find a good
subject requires some research on your part. is a
good place to start. At Amazon you can find which books are
the best sellers, which will tell you what subjects people
are dying to read about. Also you could try Wordtracker
( At Wordtracker you
can find out what the most popular terms or phrases that
people are searching for on the internet. Once you know your
subject then you'll have a foundation to work with and once
you have researched your subject then writing the actual
ebook will come naturally.

Step 2: Make It Look Professional

I'm sure that you have heard the saying that image is
everything. Well that is definitely true with selling ebooks.
People like imagery that uses all their senses (Being able to
see it, touch it, and etc.). Unfortunately when a person
views your ebook they can only use one sense, the sense of
sight. To overcome that obstacle, you need to make your ebook
as real as possible to them. It will help tremendously if you
have a professional graphic image of an ebook cover. People
relate to pictures and studies indicate that by just having a
picture of your ebook can increase sales by 300%! In order to
appear professional you need to make sure that your ebook
cover looks attractive. Try to avoid the pitfall of using
generic, free ebook covers. It will make you look cheap and
could impact sales negatively. The service that I use is
Dynamite Covers ( They
create professional looking ebook covers at reasonable prices.

Step 3: Give It Away For Free

I know that you are probably scratching your head right
about now because you're thinking, "How can I make money by
giving it away for free?" But the truth is, that in order to
have an ebook that sells well, you first need exposure and
name recognition on the internet. Once you have that then
people will have confidence that you really know what you're
talking about. The best way to accomplish this is to make an
ebook with useful content that you can give away for free. Of
course you don't want to give away all your secrets so make
sure that you have tantalizing tidbits that will make people
just curious enough to visit your web site and purchase your

Step 4: Make It Viral

This is a very important step. There seems to be a myth that
if you make an ebook to give away then other people will just
go crazy and start giving it to every single person they
know. But that is not the case. You need to give people an
incentive to give your ebook away to their friends or email
list. The best way to create an incentive is to make your
ebook brandable, you need to make your ebook in such a way
that other people can include their links in it (link to
their web site or have it set up to include their affiliate
links). As a side note, I use eBook Paper
( to accomplish this. Once you
make it brandable, people will be dying to give it away
because they will be benefiting too and guess what you have
just done? With just one step, you have created a viral
marketing machine for your web site! Congratulations!

Step 5: Use Your eBook To Build Your Email List

As I am sure you already know having a large opt-in email
list is a key to online success. So when you create your
ebook always include your subscription box or web form. This
is especially important if you followed step 4 and made your
ebook viral. Once you do this you will see a substantial
increase to your email list, which is vital to establishing
an online income.

Step 6: Start Marketing Your eBook

There are several ways to market your ebook and I am sure
you can find entire novels on this subject, but for now I am
just going to touch on a couple of very important methods.
First of all start contacting webmasters that already have a
big email list of their own. Tell them about your ebook and
either offer them the opportunity to join your affiliate
program or give them your free viral ebook. In either case,
once you do that they will start to recommend your ebook to
their own email list, which might be several thousand
subscribers. Another way is to search for ebook directories
or ebook stores, and start submitting your ebook to them.

Once you have completed these 6 simple steps you will be
well on your way to making an online income by selling ebooks.

About the Author:
Jordan Williams is the Owner of the Internet Home Base
Business Center, giving you the tools, software, and services
to maximize your online profits!

About the Author
Jordan Williams is the Owner of the Home Based Business Center, giving you the tools, software, and services to maximize your online profits!