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How to Create and Sell Your First Ebook (10)

Ten Steps Guide for Newbies

Step Ten: Promoting Your First Ebook

One Way to promote your e-book is to create 5-7 day free email course, based on the content from the e-book. You should give enough good content here in order to convince your readers to buy the ebook. Use the first few chapters from the ebook as a source for the e-course.

Write articles, excerpts from the ebook, and submit them into articles websites. Submitting articles is one of the best strategies to rank your website in higher places within a different search engines like Google and Yahoo.

That strategy has to be used very wisely, though. There are many automated submission software, which in fact can kill your business. Search engines are carefully watching for the number of the new links generated in time. So, the best way to do that is slowly and with high quality articles.

Use affiliates to increase your sales. That means that you should take care of your affiliates in order to facilitate their promotion. Prepare all the messages they need to promote you. Send them one solo ad with 3-4 paragraphs; short ads with 4-5 lines, one article of 400-500 words about the ebook.

Create a special ad with your website in the resource box. Submit that ad to all forums in your niche. Go to your preferred forum and ask for the feedback on you website. Use the tips to improve your website.

Make a special offer for your preferred forum members and ask for their testimonial on the product. Update the web page with the testimonials.

More steps:

* Use free traffic services to drive more traffic through your website.

* Create a forum on your sites and invite your customers to join it.

* Make a search to locate largest e-zine owners and collaborate with them.

* Look for other website owners in your niche and contact them. You can exchange links and ads.

* Create a newsletter with articles, interviews, news and send it weekly to your subscribers.

* Sign as affiliate on similar products and offer them in your e-mails.

* Use Google Pay-Per-Click program to attract visitors.

One very powerful way to promote your website is to give free products. This could be a short version of your ebook, for example. You'll build quickly your list and build an interest towards buying your ebook.

Submit your web site to the search engines is a must do action if you want to get a higher ranking place on those search engines.

Enjoy Your First Success!

Teo Gee

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