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How to Create and Sell Your First Ebook (2)

Ten Steps Guide for Newbies

Step Two: Why an Ebook?

If you are just entering the Internet business kingdom, one of the first things you realize is that you need to create your own product if you want to be successful.

One of the first options coming up here is an info product which is appearing in the form of an ebook. Why and ebook is considered as a good starting point here? Let's see some of the considerations here:

* It is a digital product and that means no paper expenses

* It is very easy to reproduce at almost zero cost

* It is delivered automatically online without human efforts

* It contains active links to your websites or affiliates

The above advantages are very important when you compare with hardcopy products and especially when you compare the profits you generate. The profits from paper books are hardly reaching 10% for the author, while the profits from the e-books are starting from 25% and may go up to 100%.

Ebooks are very flexible in their sizes and contents. You can create a 15 pages report or 3 pages practical Guide and send it as a gift or even sell it, if the information is in great demand. Later on, you can include those ebooks in your bonus section of the next products you are going to create.

One of the biggest advantages of the e-books is their huge role in the so called Viral Marketing strategy. Viral Marketing strategy is about delivering quality information to the customers for free. And here is the main advantage of the ebooks. They can be easily and instantly delivered to the customer at no cost.

The viral effect comes from the links inside the ebook. If the customers likes the information, delivered for free than there is very high probability that the links will be used and the subsequent sails will be completed.

There is endless opportunity lying in front of the ebooks. Let's use them.

Look for the next Step Three: How to Choose Your Niche.

Teo Gee

About the author:

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