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How to Create and Sell Your First Ebook (5)

Ten Steps Guide for Newbies

Step Five: Writing Your First Ebook

This is very exciting step. Now you have to deliver all your knowledge and passion to your future customers. You know what they need. Here is the time to put it down. Just do it.

If you have been carefully working on the previous steps, your book is in your head, already.

The first thing to do before to start is to create a proper internal atmosphere. Be excited and think positively about your writing skill. Everybody can write an ebook and you can do it too.

Here comes the outline to help you. Write a few paragraphs on each subtopic and your first draft will be ready. Use your notes and notebook for ideas and inspiration. In the process of writing you'll find some more subtopics to write on.

What else can be helpful here:

* Write with enthusiasm, writing is a pleasure, not a pain

* Write your sentences short and straight to the point - deliver the information they need to solve their problem

* Do not try to say to much

* Keep the paragraphs short 2-3 sentences

Here is the most important advice. Write your first draft without any concerns about the editing. Keep on writing! The quality of your first draft doesn't matter. Just pour your ideas and keep on writing (typing).

Turn off your editor. I find myself looking at the keyboard and not to the screen. But that helps me to overcome the urge to go back and read and edit the text. This is going to kill your writing. Do not do that. Keep on writing!

Keep the passion and write your thoughts as they come. Imagine yourself explaining the situations to your friends. That will help you in writing.

Perfection and editing will come later. You'll have enough time to do that on the next step. For now, keep on writing!

I cannot stress enough the importance of the above. Even the greatest writers in the world began their famous books with a rough first draft. And this is what you should do, too. Another good tip is to set a goal for every day and when you reach it - Stop writing. No mater what just stop writing and go with your other activities.

If you overdo it today - that can be an excuse to be sloppier tomorrow. No matter what, you have to reach your goal of 2, 3, 5, 10 pages or whatever your target is.

Apply the above discipline and success will come. No writers block exists. Just keep on writing.

Dedicated proper amount of time for writing and keep it strict.

Look for the next Step Six: Editing and Formatting Your First Ebook

Teo Gee

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