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How to Create and Sell Your First Ebook (7)

Ten Steps Guide for Newbies

Step Seven: Publishing Your First Ebook

Another important step to be done here is choosing the delivery format of your ebook. Currently, there are two most popular delivery formats to choose from: PDF and EXE.

PDF is the most popular and has its advantages. The software is available for free for your customers and it can be used on most popular platforms like Windows, Macintosh (MAC) and Unix. Adobe Acrobat offers a free download from their web site. It is a good idea to send a link to that download page in case that your customer does not have that program installed already.

Search engines start indexing those types of documents and that is a good advantage to consider. For some reason people like PDF view more than web site image. PDF documents last longer then web pages. PDF files may contain links and that makes them perfect for viral marketing. You can consider giving your ebook for free with your links inside.

It is easy to find free software to convert your text file into PDF. One free option is offered by Open Office and Pdf995. Use Microsoft Word to create, edit and format your text. When your ebook text is ready, open it from within Open Office and save it as a PDF file.

However, there is one disadvantage - ebook protection. No matter how many features you use to protect it, the file can be easily copied and spread via internet. Because of that it is not a good idea to sell PDF ebooks. Use them as a perfect viral tool.

If you choose Pdf995, you can activate some protecting features as:

* restrict printing

* restrict copying

* restrict screen capture programs

* restrict modification

* restrict the access via password

The other, EXE format, is a virtually a web page. That makes it nice looking by using all web page advantages: fonts, colors, plug-ins. It offers a lot of flexibility and creativity. In my humble opinion the future of the ebooks is HTML oriented.

Those ebooks can be very well protected, too. There are numerous protective futures not allowed by the PDF formats and that is way EXE formats are preferred, also.

Their disadvantage is that they need a Windows platform. All MAC users, about 10%, cannot open them.

The EXE files are delivered as a zip files. The WinZip software is available for free, also.

Most serious internet ebook publisher are using EXE files for their ebooks for sale and PDF files for viral marketing.

You can always consider creating and offering both formats on your sales page, too.

Internet Profit Mentor program offers very detailed free videos on that topic.

Look for the next Step Eight: Writing Your First Salesletter

Teo Gee

About the author:

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