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Jump Start to Distributing Your Viral Report or eBook

Most people recognize two steps in the viral distribution process. Create the product, let others pass the offer along for me. This is the theory behind viral product offers, but the key ingredient is the middle step. Getting the word out so that people can find it, to distribute it for you. This step is often overlooked when planning a viral product distribution system.
Assuming you have already got your report written and formatted into a distributable package and a landing web page that visitors can retrieve your report from let's look over the "Jump Start Check List" so we can get your report out to the people!
If you have seen other product offers you probably realize how important it is that you provide an digital cover for your product. This gives your information a "tangible" feel. A well designed cover can increase the download and re-offer response rate by 70% !
Step 1:
Create a box cover art graphic.
Make it in 3 sizes. Large, med. and thumbnail.
Save it in 3 formats. - .jpg gif and bmp if possible.
These two steps will save you time in the long run.
Next thing we want to do is get our small ads written. Let's write these ads all at once and save them into our favorite clipboard or text management utility software program.
Step 2:
Write your ads.
Consider target markets and create different headlines/ads as appropriate.
Write several ads.
Set up a simple strategy for tracking those headlines.
If you need a brief refresher on classified ad structure here are some guidelines. If you feel you need more instruction doing a search will bring up many helpful opinions on classified ad writing.
Classified Structure
Strong headline
Benefit or solutions
Call to action
Provide action contact or link
After you start your campaign you are going to receive many confirmation emails and link requests, so lets take a look at how we can manage these tasks without going nuts.
Step 3:
Be Prepared.
Create a "friends of" or "resource" page - Some directories will require a link back
*tip* Never call a link page a "links page"
Create a separate email address just for your viral offer
Create email rules to help you manage the incoming replies into a specific folder
The following 10 minute "set up" will save you hundreds of hours of your valuable time. Open your clipboard utility, if you haven't decided on one yet, please do. Your clipboard utility and/or form filler will quickly become your best friend. Having a workable system will save you from burnout, tiredness and frustration. I have used WinM8 and RoboForm for many years and have little advise on what programs are on the market today - these two programs do everything I need them to and do not hog up my computer resources.
Step 4:
Getting Set Up
Common Information to Place in clipboard segments
Title of report
Download url
Link to eBook cover
Url to your back-links page
Step 5:
Get the word out.
Anywhere you can advertise on the web is a potential for advertising your landing page. This includes directories, exchanges, using Google Adwords and more.
Look into web sites that are closely related to the theme of your report. Notify webmasters of these closely related sites of your offer, and be sure to let them know how offering your report can benefit their visitors. Is there any benefit to the webmaster that you can promote as well?
An example of this could be .. You create a eBook on "How to Store Your Precious Silver". A jewelry dealer offering silver rings may be very happy to offer your eBook to their visitors, and the visitors will thank the webmaster for the helpful information. Another vendor may sell "How to Clean Antique Silver" your free report would make a nice bonus offer that will benefit both vender and consumer - by being an added value offer.
Many people and webmasters search eBook directories for information and value added products on a regular basis. It can pay off big to make sure your eBook is listed in eBook directories and resource pages of related web sites.
One surefire way to get your offer some attention is to write an article on your topic and add your landing page to your author bio box.
Ask for reviews from your favorite, topic related forum boards or discussion lists. This can be a great way to get feedback on the quality of your report too.
This system has worked for me. You can let my research save you time by using my free resource directory located at This ad free listing directory is full of free places to advertise and was formed out of need to collect resources that I advertise my eBooks and websites on.
Good luck, I hope to see your next free eBooks or report everywhere!

About The Author

Dawn Wentworth is learning great ideas like these from her Affiliate Marketing Coach. We are looking to mentor new students. Start for $1.00