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My Free eBook Will Get You Started On Writing for Profit

I make my living as a writer in the niche non-fiction genre, churning out traditional and digitally published titles that consistently feature in the bestseller lists. (Don't take my word for this statement though: check me out at for examples of my hard copy produce). As a consequence of my endeavors I've picked up more than a few wrinkles on the art of producing work that readers want to read and now I am pleased to pass on to you free of charge a initial gateway to the essentials of writing for profit.

Could you draw down an income generating idea from your accumulated expertise?

Could you write a niche non-fiction book on the topic?

Could you get it published in hardback format?

Could you convert it into digital format?

Could you get it published in both formats?

Could you create residual income streams from your endeavors?

You could if you knew how.

Click here for download instructions on my free eBook

It comes to you in a convenient PDF file that downloads in seconds and can be read on any computer, anywhere in the world.

About the Author
Jim Green is a bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit including 'Starting Your Own Business' (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and 'Starting an Internet Business at Home' (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8 – currently ranking No.3 at out of 27,376 competing titles). His comprehensive tutorial is available at