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Start Here To Write An Ebook

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Summary: Want to write an ebook? You can. Start with an idea, build on it, and before you know it, you've got a book.

Category: Writing

Words: 800

Start Here To Write An Ebook

Copyright 2003 by Angela Booth

Want to write an ebook? You can. Start with an idea, build on it,
and before you know it, you've got a book. (I'll be using 'book'
and 'ebook' interchangeably in this article, because any idea you
find for an electronic book will certainly work as a print book
as well.)

Here are some ways to get ideas for books only YOU could write.
Work through the following exercises.

Work through them quickly. Don't allow yourself to bog down. Do
them as quickly as you can, and then go and do something else for
a few hours, to let the ideas gestate and bubble in your
subconscious mind.

When you come back, read through the ideas you generated, and add
to them as you read through your lists. PLEASE DON'T DISCARD ANY
IDEAS AT THIS STAGE. This is because the way to a brilliant,
fantastic NEW idea is by twisting an idea slightly, reversing it,
or by combining several ideas into a new one. Don't discard!

=> Ideas from: What you're good at

Make a list of 20 things you're good at. Don't think too hard
about this. Maybe you're good at buying presents for
people–you've got a knack for choosing just the right gift. Maybe
you're a good cook, or a good parent, or a good swimmer or a good
tennis player. Or maybe you used to be good at one or more of
these things.

=> Ideas from: Your past experiences

Experiences sell. If you've been abducted by little green men
from Mars, it's a book. If you're a bigamist, it's a book. People
have written books about their illnesses (see Challenges below),
their addictions, and their pets. Browse through the bestseller
lists to see what personal experiences people are writing about.

Here's where you walk down memory lane. If you're in your
twenties, it'll be a short stroll. If you're in your forties or
older, it will be a hike. Don't get bogged down with this, list
20 experiences you've had that spring to mind.

The easiest way to come up with experiences is work backwards
through the stages of your life, or through decades. Again, don't
take a long time over this. Set yourself a time limit --- ten
minutes is enough.

=> Ideas from: Your knowledge

What do you know? Start by making a list of all the subjects you
were good at in school. Then list all the jobs you've had – yes,
part-time work counts.

Also list: * Your hobbies. Are you a keen Chihuahua breeder? Do
you quilt? Take photographs?

* Your current job. What are you learning in your job that other
people would pay to learn?

* The places you've lived. Your hometown may be boring to you,
but guide books sell well.

* Your family tree. What special knowledge do your nearest and
dearest have that you could write about?

Spend around ten minutes writing down as many subjects as you
have knowledge about.

=> Ideas from: What you enjoy most

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson freely admits that she cooks
because she loves to eat. Nigella has turned her love of food
into a career. She regularly produces bestselling books. (Her
chocolate recipes are brilliant.) What do you love? People have
written about garage sales, cosmetics, cars, vacations. If you
love something, chances are that thousands or maybe millions of
others will love it too.

Watch the newspapers and take note of current trends. Or better
yet, listen to what your children are talking about, or asking
you to buy for them. Children tend to be well up on what's

=> Ideas from: Challenges

You face challenges every day. Most are minor, some are major
challenges. If you've ever faced a large challenge, or if you're
facing one right now, then consider that the things you learn
could help other people. Whatever your challenge is, whether it's
moving house or confronting a life-threatening illness, other
people face the same challenges, and in those challenges lie the
seeds of books.

Make a list of 20 challenges you've faced in your life. Anything
catastrophic qualifies: losing your job, facing bankruptcy, the
betrayal of a spouse. If you've had a quiet life, then make a
list of challenges that the people you know have faced.

See? Within an hour or so, you've got more ideas for books than
you'll be able to write in a dozen lifetimes. And these will all
be books that only you could write, because they're based on your
knowledge and experiences.

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Digital-e: For writers and creatives.
Ebooks, free ezines, Creatives Club.
Love to write?
Turn your talent into a business!

About the Author
Writer, author and journalist Angela Booth has been writing successfully for print and online venues for 25 years. She also writes for business.
On her Web site she conducts workshops and courses for writers.