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Top 10 Tips for Doing Radio Interviews to Promote your eBook.

If you are an aspiring author, I can tell you from experience, that nothing is more exciting than the launch of your new eBook. Once you finish writing your story, it's time to TELL THE WORLD about your work!
How do you make yourself stand out from the millions of eBooks entering the marketplace? Appearing as a guest for an Internet radio programs can create a BLAST of hype for your newly released eBook and get you NOTICED as a savvy author of today.
Not only can an author interview acts as a POWERFUL SELLING TOOL on your eBook web site, but you can also place a link to it in your ezine, in your signature, and in your author bio in your articles for even more EXPOSURE!
Here's my Top Ten Tips for doing an over the phone radio interview to promote your ebook:
1. GIVE THE ANNOUNCER A REVIEW COPY OF YOUR EBOOK: If the announcer is familiar with your eBook, he can refer to specific areas of the book during the interview. If your eBook is lengthy, then point out specific chapters you would like for him to read. If the announcer really enjoys your eBook, ask him for an endorsement you can use on your web site.
2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK: Listen to previously recorded interviews by that announcer to get a feel for his style and the types of questions he will ask you.
3. KNOW YOUR ANNOUNCER: Write the announcer's name and radio program on an index card. In the heat of the interview, nothing could be WORSE than forgetting the announcer's name.
4. WARM UP: Take time to talk to the announcer ahead of time. Warm up, by telling the host about yourself, your background, and your current projects. By knowing more about you, the announcer can ask more in depth questions that showcase your knowledge and abilities.
5. RELAX and BE YOURSELF! Don't try to put on some "cool-hip author faade". Be honest and sincere. If you have the jitters, you might want to consider doing a practice interview with your friend or spouse. You might feel silly role-playing at first, but you'll be surprised at how helpful it is.
6. FOCUS: Call from a quiet, comfortable place where you can focus. If you have children, take them to a babysitter. Call from a high quality telephone to improve the quality of the radio recording. A cordless phone or headset can cause static. Having a rich clear tone to your voice will paint a better visual image of you in the listener's mind.
7. BE PREPARED: Get a set of the questions ahead of time. Write out your key points out on index cards and TAPE them to your desk. If the host asks you about something and your mind goes blank, you can refer to your notes without shuffling to find them. Keep your answers short and to the point. Longwinded answers will BORE your audience. Remember, if the radio host asks a question that you don't want to answer or DON'T KNOW the answer to, then answer the question that they SHOULD have asked.
8. TELL THEM YOUR STORY: Stories capture the emotions of the audience, are easy to relate to, and are very persuasive. Tell the story of what inspired you to write your eBook, how your eBook has helped people, what you did BEFORE you wrote your eBook, and how WRITING the eBook has brought you success.
9. MENTION THE TITLE OF YOUR EBOOK AND CONTACT INFORMATION: Mention your Name, the title of your eBook, your Web Site URL, and your Newsletter during the interview. Ideal time to mention this is at the beginning and end of the interview.
10. SHOWCASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE: If you have specific questions for the announcer to ask, give them to him ahead of time. Try to stress the UNIQUENESS of your eBook. The real power of a radio interview is you can position yourself as an authority on your area of expertise. If he asks key questions on the subjects you know best, you'll come off sounding like a star! Likewise, if there are questions you DON'T want to talk about, let the announcer know that too.