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Turn your Failed Ebooks into Easy Profits

Failing is part of learning... Heck it's a crucial part of Success.
Do you have any Ebooks that just wouldn't sell?
If you're a Niche Marketer, you almost certainly do. No matter how long you've been in this business, you're still bound to have a few products flop.
When an ebook fails you have 3 options...
1. Forget about it and move on the next ebook product.
2. Try to change your product or copy so it sells.
3. Figure out a way to turn the failure into a profitable asset.
There's really no excuse for doing #1...
When an ebook fails, you should at least consider trying to improve your targeting and/or your copy so that it will sell. However, some products simple won't sell no matter what you do.
So if #2 fails... Find a way to turn the failure into an asset.
On the web... Content is one of the main keys to getting traffic. Fortunately you have a book(or many books) full of content just sitting on your hard drive.
Instead of letting your ebook fade away as a forgotten failure, turn it into free web content.
Reformat it however you need to and put it up on a website with Adsense or some other type of ads and now you've got a content site that could provide a small income for years to come.
It's not going to make you rich but it's certainly better than forgetting about it and doing nothing.

About The Author

Chad Thomas is a full time Marketer that specializes in Niche Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Various other forms of Marketing. His website is loaded with Free Marketing Guides, Tips, Software, Tools, and other useful Marketing information.