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What is the difference between quality and trash ebooks?!

First of all I would like to thanks Gary Harvey ( ) who actually gave me the idea to write about this... So thank you Gary!
Now let's go to the actual article!
The second reason because of which I decided to write this is because I have reviewed many ebooks. I'm not sure but I think they were about 100! I have been reviewing ebooks not only for NetProfitMap but even before this. So I consider myself something like an 'ebook review expert'
I will list the most common factors that form the quality ebook. And will try to explain them. Of course you understand that if you don't follow them your ebook becomes trash. That's why I have described what differs trash from quality ebook ONLY in the 1st factor:
Factor #1
Trash ebooks does not contain useful information. That's why they are called trash - their content is absolute trash i.e. it doesn't contain any new, fresh, unique or at least useful information. You will not ever learn something useful and real from them nor you will profit from them. The only thing they do is wasting your precious time.
The quality ebooks instead of the trash ones do contain useful, fresh & new, good, profitable and unique information. From which you will really profit in some way.
How to avoid:
1. Don't ever write an ebook about something in which you are not a professional. Don't improvise - instead try to write from an expert's point of view. Actually you must be an expert in your field in order to sit back and write an ebook!
2. Try to write about something unique and fresh.
3. Do a market research and see if people are interested in content that you can provide them with (the content, which you can write from a real expertise) and also whether there are other such ebooks or no. If the answer to the first one is 'yes' and to the second one 'no' then your ebook is more than quality for the first factor.
4. Last - do you think that if I read it I will profit from it? If no then it's not a good ebook!
Factor #2
Its length is a very essential factor, too. The faster the reader learns from it the better it is. If you can teach me on making my web site in one week - OK. But if you can tell me how to make the same web site in just one day - Great!
By length I don't mean that you must cut it down. Just follow two rules:
1. Tell what you want and do it straightly. I have a great article explaining this, which can be found at this link:
2. Don't cut down the information your ebook must convey. I mean the information that must teach.
Factor #3
The format of the ebook is also a very important factor, which can't be overlooked. Although I rarely see ebooks that are not made like all standard EXE ebooks. An example of such ebook is the one that I'm reviewing today. It can also be found at:
That's why I would recommend you my favorite and by far the best ebook creator which can be reached and downloaded for FREE here:
There are no special criteria for PDF ebooks.
Factor #4
The design of the ebook. The first thing here is to be sure that it is easy to read. And here is how to understand that it is such:
1. Make sure that your text is not centered or 'rightened'. Make your text begin from left to right. Just like we write.
2. The text must be black and the background white.
3. The best fonts are Arial and Verdana 10 and 12. Times New Roman is hard to read in an ebook.
4. Make the words you want to stress on in BOLD. Or you can also make them read, read and bold. These are the 3 most used and on my opinion the best for the eye.
5. The best combination for links is underlined blue.
6. Be sure that the text does not go from the start to the end. Be sure that there are about 50 pixels white space between the text and the window at the left and at least 150 - 200 at the right.
The next thing that you must think about is the navigation. The basic thing here is that your main page (the one that opens first) must contain the table of contents. I hate ebooks, which are full of promotional links, dedications, etc. at the main page.
The 'advanced' thing is the navigation in the ebook. I've seen many types of ebooks (I have about 300MB full with ebooks) but I liked most, and think that it's easier to read, is when the navigation menu i.e the links, which lead to the next lesson or the main page, are at the top and at the bottom.
But be sure that they are average links. Or if they will be at the top you can make a frame there with the simple links within it. Here is what I mean by simple: Home | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 ...
Now the graphics in your ebook. As long as it is not PDF ebook there are no special requirements. But if it IS a PDF ebook then I would recommend you not to use many and big graphics as the page loads very slow.
Factor #5
Don't make too many things in the ebook that work only when you are connected. Make a link to your web site, your ezine, etc. But don't equal the ebook to a simple web site. It's an ebook and that's why it must be possible to read it and use its whole resources offline. The ebook is an electronic, digital, BOOK. So make it such.
These are the 5 factors that if used will make your ebook a quality one and if not used - trash one.
Always with You towards Success! Dmitry Nanev