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When it comes to pricing your ebooks.

Are you having a difficult time pricing your ebooks? Don't feel
bad, your not alone.
Correctly pricing an ebook is like looking for a needle in a hay
stack. There are many
factors that come into consideration when pricing your ebooks.
Two such factors are
supply and demand. Many internet marketers will be upset with me
when I say this but I
don't care, unless you have one whopper of an ebook on internet
marketing with a truly
killer of a USP (Unique Selling Point) your dead in the water.
Ouch...I know the truth
hurts but this is reality in my opinion. With the LARGE amount
of IM (internet
marketing) ebooks on the net today and the dwindling lack of
interest because of some
really poorly written ebooks I'd bet their sales have suffered.
There are some good
ebooks on IM out there, just hard to find. When a guy is
offering a $27.00 ebook with
$1500.00 worth of bonuses (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little)
something's up,
wouldn't you think? However, if your writing an ebook on a very
tight, specific niche
market this is where things turn in your favour. Little
Supply+Lots of Demand=Hefty
Sales at a premium price. You know your onto a good idea when
searches on google and
amazon show up with zero results for your topic. This is when
you should get excited
and start creating. Look at the prices of "print books" and
base your pricing on that if
your really stuck for a figure. Of course this is just a general
guideline, some say pricing
amounts to psychology and using the right words too hook you.
This is true to a certain
point. I mean look at all the brochures and fliers you read
every week, everyone tests,
tests, and tests more. Testing comes with a price, it takes
manpower to test the price
feasibility of any product. Another strategy to consider when
pricing your ebooks is the
estimated income of your target market. How much are they
making? Is your target
market lawyers, teachers, or people in lower income brackets?
The only way to know this
is by....RESEARCHING. Some people claim that prices that end
with a certain number
sell better than others that end with different numbers. Reality
is...who really knows for
sure? No one does, once you've reached a price that seems to be
in your target markets
comfort level and you seem to be getting STEADY sales...stick
with it. As you may have
realised in my writing I have a slightly different view of the
"way things are" compared to
other people. Do I have a degree in economics? Heck know! Do I
have a degree in
psychology? Only if you consider ex-cabdrivers experts in human
psyche...maybe I'm on
to something. The bottom line is this folks, come up with a
niche market that has little or
no competition on the web. Start to price your ebooks on the
basis of "print books" (thats
if there are any) and go from there. Follow your gut instinct,
acquaint yourself with your
target market WAY before hand and see how valuable your
information may be to them.
What is THEIR perception about what carries value and what
doesn't? That's a difficult
question to answer and one you must do your best to find a
solution too in order to climb
to the top! I bet it'll be quite the eye opener for you. If all
else fails market your info
product offline first to see what kind of prices people are
willing to pay than apply your
finding online with a 20% discount and see how it goes. Why the
20% discount online
you ask? Everyone expects to SAVE money when buying online.

About the Author
Brian is the owner of
He publishes a monthly ezine called The Ebook King Chronicles which dissects one hot in demand ebook per month.