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Writing An Ebook - The Basics

Writing an e-book can be extremely beneficial for you as a small business owner. You can use the four steps below as a guide when writing your own e-book. Please remember that there are many ways and means of accomplishing a project such as this. In our experience these steps work well.
As a business owner, writing an e-book can be a great marketing tool. e-books make great free giveaways on your website as a way to provide value to your visitors, as well as providing the world with an easily transportable e-package for others to pass along, far beyond your own network.
Here are a few advantages of writing an e-book: 1. It's a natural extension of your oral or other written information. 2. It's a piece of you, your passion, your significant and valuable message. 3. It adds credibility, prestige, even fame! 4. It's fairly easy to produce. 5. It can be produced for a small cost. 6. It will bring you great profits! 7. It brings you a monthly cash flow. 8. It will bring you endless enjoyment and fun! 9. It gives you all the profits. 10. It gives you the freedom to market your valuable information right at your home office website to maintain focus on your topic.
Step 1 Deciding what to write about.
First and foremost, it must be a topic you are knowledgeable and passionate about. After that, consider the following in developing your ideas: Information that is time-sensitive or subject to change will likely to do well in e-book format. For example, an e-book on Search Engine Optimization is likely to be more suitable to electronic format than print. Search engines change all the time and by the time a book is put into print, the information may be outdated.
Information that satisfies an immediate need or impulse should sell well. This could be an e-book on soothing a colicky infant, for example. The above two points are not essential to writing a successful e-book, but will certainly go a long way to help in your plan on how to write an e-book.
The following formats are popular when writing an e-book as a marketing tool. "How to" Take some of the programs or workshops you've developed on how to do something and turn it into an e-book. People want immediate solutions to their problems, so making it situational rather than generic is key.
Special Report or White Paper A special report displays, informs, or reports on something. This is great for people who want the current thinking on a particular topic. You could do a series of special reports on your areas of expertise. It's a great marketing tool.
"The Secret Of..." This approach seems to add wisdom to whatever you disclose in your book. It's basically the "inside" way to get something done. "Principles of..." If you've got a list of items, you may want to package it like this - including examples and stories to convey your point. You are crystallizing your opinions basically, and that seems to reinforce them in some way.
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" type series This is a compilation of stories that make your point for you. They revolve around a common theme. Your R&D Team can be a great source of these stories.
Step 2 Do your research and develop your content. Don't start typing until you've done your research. Will people be willing to pay for your information? Is it readily available elsewhere? If it is, could you approach the subject to reach a particular niche?
Useful ways of developing content for your e-book are as follows: Interviewing an expert by phone. Conducting a 4, 8, or 12 session tele-class. Starting an ecourse. Hosting an expert discussion on your topic. Deciding to become a leading expert on your topic. Sharing what you already know.
Step 3 Packaging & Pricing
Putting It Together The most common format for e-books is a PDF file. There are other software packages with wonderful features that you can purchase to create e-books. However, these often don't operate on certain operating systems or have other limitations. Click here for e-book software reviews.
What are some possible formats? Adobe ebook. Adopt PDF Gemstar ebook Hiebook HTML Microsoft Reader Microsoft Word mobiPocket PalmOS plain text
How Much Should You Charge? It really depends on the quality of the information you provide. You could have a long or short e-book, but that's not the ultimate decision maker. Have a few friends or colleagues read the e-book. Make sure they are interested in the topic and ask them how much they would pay.You should also consider giving your e-book away for free. This is a great way of introducing yourself as an expert to potential customers.
Step 4 Marketing of your e-book
First, get a website. You can put the e-book on your existing website if it relates to your current website topic. If it isn't related, start a new one.
Establish yourself as an expert in the topic. Write and distribute articles that promote it in the byline. For a list of possible places to submit your articles click here.- Participate in forums, moderate chats or run online seminars on the topic- Solicit interviews from other related websites, magazines, radio stations, etc. Allow them to read a complimentary copy of the e-book before agreeing to interview you. Offer to answer questions from their readers or listeners.
Offer a free email course or free e-book teaser to promote it for sale. Be careful here. I have seen a number of people use this technique very poorly, including some so-called Internet gurus
Of course, you don't want to give away all your great ideas, but make sure your free offer does provide valuable information. If there is nothing valuable, how will someone trust you enough to actually make a purchase from you?
Encourage those who have read the e-book to write reviews. You can post them on your site and they can also post them on sites where book reviews are allowed.
Create an affiliate program that people will be dying to join and promote.
About the Author
Learn more at Ben Botes MSc. MBA, is an Entrepreneur, Speaker and Writer. He is the founder of, South African Business Hubs Join the Reseller Program and earn 40% referral commission
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