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Writing ebooks

Books are about sharing our knowledge and our experiences. They articulate feelings and information for people who do not have these kinds of communication skills. If you can think, you can hear your voice. If you can hear your voice, you can write. Writing is a simple extension of your mind to your fingers.

Do this exercise:

Open a blank page in your word processing program. Let your fingers hover just above the keys of your keyboard and close your eyes. Now clear you mind and let it fill with silence. Into that silence, let your thoughts begin to focus on what you instinctively know you can do well. Things you excel at. As each thought rises, type it. Baking, stained glass, gardening, restoring classic cars.write until the well runs dry.

Now open your eyes. Like magic, before your eyes, here is a list of topics for potential ebooks!

There is no price that can be placed on your unique knowledge and experience. The trick is to draw from the well of that knowledge and use it to create an ebook.

Internet businesses are hungry for information about how to turn their websites into profit-making machines. Whenever an entrepreneur first starts a business, he or she lacks the patina of experience that comes from many years of working in the trenches. If your ebook can help rocket them forward in time by providing them with your invaluable business know-how, you've got a topic for a beneficial and successful ebook.

Ebooks are one of the most powerful marketing tools available in the world today. They can be sent out as attachments in emails, offered for free or for a fee on your website, or sent out on discs through the mail. They can be marketed by your affiliates through links on their sites and in your ebook. You can offer your ebook through an autoresponder, thereby capturing email addresses and building a list of potential customers. Or you can use your ebook to build an opt-in email list – by sending email only to people who want it, you differentiate your messages from spam and increase the value of your list.

The ebook format is one of the most versatile on the Internet. You can use it to create brochures, newsletters, courses offering advice and information about your goods or services, training tools – all for a profit. Using ebooks correctly and with business savvy will direct quality traffic to your website and generate potential sales. Ebooks can educate your visitors about your products or services, and teach them about new procedures or techniques. You can use free ebooks to reward visitors for filling out a customer survey, which in turn gives you invaluable insight into customer motivation and habits. Giving away your ebooks for free helps to build solid business relationships and keep your customers coming back to your website. Ebooks will help build your reputation as an expert in your field and make your business a known commodity.

If you want to write about Internet Marketing, you will find a mountain of ebooks about this subject. You must go through them and locate what is missing. You can market ANYTHING on the Internet. What about a book about marketing a business that trains bloodhounds as search and rescue dogs? Or a book about marketing a business that grows organic herbs and mushrooms? Figure out what you're passions are and then turn them into ebooks!

Ebooks are a road to personal fulfillment and financial success. They are fairly simple to produce and the cost is minimal. Your ebook not only has the potential to create profits, but it may very well transform you into a celebrity. In turn, your value increases along with your profits. Like a tree lush with leaves, your ebook will fly across cyberspace, shedding its seeds of knowledge. And those seed will bear the fruit of new clients and opportunities for many years to come.

About the Author
Scott F. Geld is the Marketing Director of, a company providing targeted traffic and leads: