Fuel Your Business By CUTTING Advertising Costs
The Trap
You need to stimulate business. You pay a hefty price, run an ad, and
customers come. A few weeks later, business tapers off. Time for another
ad. You pull out your checkbook. Growing your business feels more like
feeding an expensive habit.
The Problem
Much of the benefit from traditional printed advertising is short lived.
A quick burst; Then it's over. If you want an instant replay, you've
got to pay (and pay and pay).
The Solution
1). Find a way to reach your customers without paying each time; or
2). Find a way to get your customers to COME TO YOU; (or ideally BOTH.)
The Method
Both solutions can be achieved with a simple, low-cost website--once you
learn how to use it. Here's how:
1). Find a way to reach your customers without paying.
Email--it's free. The only catch is that your customers have to give you
their email address. Since they are not interested in receiving your ads
by email, how can you motivate them to provide you with access and permission
to advertise to them by email? Coupons. No one wants advertising.
Everyone wants to save money. They give you their email address. You email
them your coupons.
2). Get your customers to COME TO YOU.
This is where most small businesses commit website suicide: Their website
is nothing more than a pretty (but static) "online brochure." Like its paper
counterpart, it is read once and forgotten. Why do so many successful small
business owners make this critical mistake? They wrongly assume their customers
are interested in them. They think just because they have a website, people will
want to see it. But, in fact, their customers don't care about them. They're
self-motivated ("what's in it for me?")
If, instead of the typical brochure-like website, you make your website
a vehicle for your customers to get your coupons, they will visit again and again.
They may read other information while they are there, but coupons are why they
came--not an incidental after thought.
In For The Kill
So, you are now drawing your customers to your website, turning them into
habitual visitors, and you are emailing them once a month with your coupons or
other timely specials so they don't forget about you. Once these key components
are in place, you can move in for the final blow to your traditional off-line
advertising dependency.
You already know printed advertising works. Use it to move an army of your
customers to your website where they can get your coupons any time, and stop
depending on printed coupons that come in the mail or newspaper. What I mean
by this is to emphasize your website in your normal off-line ads.
Completely squandering this opportunity, most small businesses--if they mention
their website at all in their ads--stick it in tiny type somewhere off to
the side: www.MyBoringWebsite.com. It's a side note. There is no text telling
customers why they should visit it. What are they going to get by going to the
website that they didn't already see in the ad? No wonder their website is a huge
Why not make your website a feature of your ad in bold type (or even put it inside a
faux coupon next to your real coupons) and say something like: Wish you could get
our coupons anytime? Now you can at www.MyLittlePowerhouseWebsite.com. Click
and Save Everyday! Join our coupon club.
Watch the power and momentum of sustained marketing in action and as your
website grows, begin phasing out some of those fat ads that are keeping your dream
of financial independence just beyond reach.
About the Author
Catherine D'Agostino is the founder of WithCoupon.com and PizzaCouponsNOW.com where she has integrated coupons and customer email marketing into a simple, low-cost all-inclusive website package for small business.