Invest In Yourself And Your Knowledge
Invest In Yourself And Your Knowledge
As you get started in your own Internet business you will have expenses. Outside of the costs to operate your business, you should also be making regular investments in yourself.
The greatest investment you make in yourself will be TIME. Allow several hours each week to study and learn. Make it a HABIT to develop new skills.
You just can't learn everything you need to know overnight. Don't expect to. But, don't think you should wait until you know it all to get started, either!
The absolute best way to learn is by doing. Just get started doing something and learn what you need to know as you go. Pick an aspect of starting your Internet business that interests you most and get that project going first.
Let's say you want to learn how to build a web site. There are several good tutorials on the Net that are free. One of my favorite authoring sites is
Now just start experimenting with the HTML codes. Sketch out the way you would like for a web page to look. Then learn the code to make your page look that way. You will be doing something productive to get your business moving forward. And you'll feel good about it, too.
The idea here is to do something that makes your business ideas move forward.
Another investment that you should make in yourself is to build a personal business referrence library. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a really great knowledge base right on your own shelf or PC.
There's a phenominal amount of business knowledge freely shared on the Web. Finding it, though, can be time consuming. My website is a great place to start: . Look for the "Start an Internet Business" Library links.
But having a good refference book on each specific topic that you need to learn will become invaluable to you over time. No searching, no hassle. Just pull it off the shelf (or view it on your PC) to find what you need.
I'd suggest that you find books on each of the following subjects:
Email Marketing
Newsletter Publishing & List Building Developing & Aquiring Your Own Products Web Site Design & Construction Web Site Promotion
Internet Advertising
Writing Sales Copy
Just plug those suggestions into your favorite search engine and you'll find lots of sources. No need to rush out and buy all of them at once, either. Buy them as you find the need for learning more on a particular subject.
Shop around, too. You'll have many to choose from. It's best to look for the books that are recommended by many people AND those that are produced by people who are successful at what they are teaching.
Here's an article that may help you make the right choices:
As you plan and start your Internet business, don't forget about making regular investments in yourself. As your knowledge grows, so will your profits.
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