MP3Player Sales to Soar
Worldwide in 2004, a total of 26.4 million mp3 players were sold. However, led by Apple's uber popular iPod mp3 player, those numbers are expected to jump over 370 percent. For those without incredible math skills, that means over 125 million mp3 players are expected to be sold in the year 2009 alone. Staggering numbers indeed and it appears as if it is only the dawn of the mp3 era.
The apparent rise in popularity and demand will be due to the growing video capabilities of these players. No longer will they only play music, but players are now handling video as well. Video capabilities of mp3 players are rising quickly, especially with the drop of the price of flash memory and the increased memory capacity in the small sticks, and this has made them highly sought after alternatives to other types of players.
Needless to say, the age of the mp3 is only beginning to emerge. Many bright, fun new advances and features are on the brink of being in hands worldwide.
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