MP3s on the Road: 3 Ways to Play your MP3s in your Car
MP3 Car Adapter Kit: The most economical way to play your
MP3s directly in your vehicle is to purchase a simple MP3 Car
Adapter Kit. These kits are similar to the portable CD player
kits that were popular before CD players became standard in
automobiles. In fact, many of the MP3 Car Adapter Kits also
allow you the ability to still hook up a portable CD player or
any other type of portable music device. These kits are very
simple to use as well. In most cases you simply connect the
adapter to your car's 12v power supply or cigarette lighter and
in turn hook up your MP3 player to the adapter. After your MP3
player is hooked up to your adapter, you simply play your music
as you normally would on your MP3 player, and the music is
broadcasted through your car's speakers.
CD Player w/ MP3 playback: Another option would be to
purchase an in-dash CD player that has the capability to play
MP3s that are copied to a recordable CD. This type of CD player
allows you to copy your MP3s onto a recordable CD instead of
having to "burn" them onto the CD. This offers a cost and time
advantage as by simply copying the MP3s to a recordable CD, you
are able to copy more MP3 files versus burning the MP3s onto the
CD. When you burn the MP3s onto a CD, the burning process
transform the music file from its MP3 format to a format that is
recognizable by traditional CD players. You are able to copy
more MP3 files, allowing you to save disk space and in turn save
money by purchasing less recordable CDs.
Digital CD/MP3 Receiver: Now there is something even
better for MP3 owners who want to take their MP3s on the road
with them. Sony recently released the first car audio receiver
unit with the capability to "drag-and-drop" your MP3s into the
unit just like you would normally do with your IPOD or MP3
player. The Sony GigaPanel MEX-1GP is a car audio receiver that
features a removable faceplate like most of the other receivers
on the market today. However this faceplate also comes with a
USB port and a 1GB flash memory drive that allows you store up
to 500 MP3 song files. You simply use the USB cable that comes
with the receiver to connect it to your PC and transfer the MP3
files just like you would with your IPOD or MP3 player. Once
you're done copying your MP3s to the receiver's faceplate, you
simple reattach the faceplate and proceed to listen to your MP3s
in your car. The receiver also allows you to play regular CDs
and CDs with MP3 files copied onto them as well. This
revolutionary new product is sure to make an impact in the
highly competitive car audio industry. I've already ordered one
for my vehicle and I can't wait to install it!
About the author:
Dwayne Wright is an automotive enthusiast with over 20 years of
experience in the automotive industry. If you decide that you
want to upgrade you car audio system to an aftermarket receiver,
visit his site at http://www.customautosearc to find a car audio installer in your area to install
your new receiver.