Did You Make a Decision or a Commitment?
Did You Make a Decision or a Commitment?
I get questions like these from network marketers a lot...
- Why do my new downline members start out so fired up then just fizzle out?
- I was so excited when I started with this company. Why can't I bring myself to show the opportunity to people?
- I know there's money to be made in MLM, but I'm not doing it. What's wrong with me?
I've got to tell you, all of these problems boil down to the difference between making a decision and making a commitment. Let me explain.
It's actually pretty easy to make a logical decision to join an MLM company. There are many reputable companies with good products and decent compensation plans. You can do the math and see how you can build a network marketing organization into an income producing asset for you.
And, a decision IS the first step in any achievement, great or small. You decide to get up instead of staying in bed, you decide to go to work instead of staying home, you decide to lose weight by adopting a healthier life style.
But, if you don't take the next step of committing yourself to your decision, you will most likely fail in what you're trying to do.
When you are committed to something, you have focus - it's difficult to get "uncommitted". If you have children, for example, you wouldn't just "decide" one day that you don't want to be a parent any more. Although, I have three children and it has crossed my mind, briefly. You are COMMITTED to being a parent, it is second nature to you - a part of who you are. And, you don't question your DECISION to be a parent over and over again. Just because someone says things like "I will never have children, it's too much work, too much responsibility, the world is a horrible place and I won't bring a child into it" doesn't make you decide to quit being a parent, does it?
But, in network marketing, this happens ALL THE TIME! You join a great opportunity, you're raring to go, and then someone says to you "Oh no! You're not doing one of those pyramid scam things, are you?". You KNOW in your head that it's not a scam, but you haven't totally committed to your new venture with your heart. So, maybe you quit.
A little clarification is in order here. When I say "heart", I don't mean the part of you that's full of sentimental and tender feelings towards people and things you care about. I mean the part of your heart where your courage lives. The part that will fight like a lion for what you believe in, the part that won't let you quit on something you're committed to.
Networking is a head AND heart business. You have to use your head to...
- Investigate and decide on a program and upline that gives you the best chance to succeed
- Develop plans and schedules to work your business
- Keep learning about the industry, company and products
You need your heart (or courage) to...
- Keep your dreams of financial independence alive
- Get you through the times when you think you can't take one more "no", or make one more call, or place one more ad
- Reach out to other people and share your products and/or opportunity to improve their lives
I have heard that successful people make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly, while unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change their minds quickly and often. Makes sense to me - you have to have your head and your heart into whatever you want to accomplish in order to succeed.
Copyright 2001 Suzanne Miley, All Rights Reserved
Suzanne Miley is a Network Marketer that loves to work with and help other like minded people. To find out more about Suzanne or to contact her, please go to http://greatestnetworker.com/is/suzannemiley