Life's a Crapshoot!
Life's a Crapshoot
By Arlene Windell
Do you ever have the feeling deep inside you that you just
never seem to get ahead, no matter how hard you try?
Going back to my old Amway days, (many moons ago), we called
that stinkin' thinkin'. Whether you think you can or think
you can't, you're probably right.
What separates the entrepreneur from the rest of the
population? I believe it is our willingness to roll the
dice, take the chance, and make the gamble. We know the odds
are against us. They tell us that 95% of the people involved
in network marketing fail, and some fail miserably.
I've never considered myself average so I have no problem
believing that I fall into that top 5%.
What separates the entrepreneurs from the wannabes is the
ability to get back up after being knocked down for the
tenth time and COME BACK SWINGING!
So, you say, the last three programs you joined and promoted
your heart out came up snake eyes. What are you going to
do about it? You can quit now and go back to your rut,
(your nine to five job with somebody else's boot on your
neck, telling you how to live your life), or you can chalk
it up to experience and GET BACK IN THE RING!!
Your decision rests entirely on your attitude. Your attitude
is either positive or negative. There are no gray areas
here. How high is your belief level? Get your attitude UP!
Realize, once and for all, that the only thing that separates
you from the big winners, that top 5% in network marketing,
is that THEY REFUSED TO QUIT!! Realize that just because you
didn't make money in your program, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!
The deck has been stacked against you in a good many of the
programs making the rounds on the internet. Take the time
to develop relationships with REAL PEOPLE IN REAL PROGRAMS.
There are many good programs with a lot to offer the
entrepreneur who is willing to work. Do your homework and
A note from the author: I've been involved in marketing for
over 25 years, with some successes and some "learning
experiences". I've learned to celebrate my victories and
shrug off my failures, dust myself off, get back in the
ring, and COME UP SWINGING!!!
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