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Making Money Online: What You Really Want To Know

So you've been thinking of doing some internet marketing or
you've done some and you're not making money yet. What does
it really take? Even more importantly, how long does it
take and how much does it cost? Isn't that what you really
want to know?

The problem with this question is that there isn't a black
and white answer. It's not like you can spend $500 and you
will definitely get a specific result. For some reason
though that's how people think it works.

A lot of folks buy this or that "how to" product and think
it's going to magically make them money. The key ingredient
to making money from these products you buy is to take
action and do what they tell you to do.

Just like buying a piece of excercise equipment won't
make you lose weight, buying the greatest "how to make money
on the internet" product won't make you money if you don't
use it.

But if you buy proven products and do what they tell you,
then it's simple to build a great business. It can happen
for you though it probably won't happen overnight.

We all know the internet is full of hype and also has a lot
of genuine success stories. The biggest truth or lie,
depending on how you see it, is that you can make good money
fast. Whether this is true or false depends on what you're
willing to do and what you think "fast" is.

Internet marketing is not a get rich quick scheme.
It's a business which means there is time, money and work
involved. If you think becoming rich in 3 to 5 years is
quick then I guess this can be a get rich vehicle for you.
If you don't think 5 or even 10 years is quick for getting
rich, then think about how many people you know who have
done it in 5 years. Or in 20? Or in their lifetimes?

The only people I know who have done this have done it
through internet marketing, direct marketing, network
marketing or through owning their own company. None of
them are just employees. The cheapest and fastest way to
get there is through internet marketing.

FACT: 74% of the wealthiest people in America own their
own business. If there's one thing they have that maybe
you don't, it's their own business.

Even the internet marketing gurus will tell you that it's
never been easier to make good money online. If you listen
to the folks who are the biggest successes today most of
them started at least 3 years ago. Some of them started
back before the internet was called the internet. It was
a lot rougher then. Even 3 years ago they didn't have the
advantages we have today.

You can buy subscribers to build your ezine lists. You can
use pay-per-click search engines. You can read hundreds of
e-zines for great free tips. You can make money through free
affiliate programs. You can swap for free ads that reach
over 10,000 people at a time. You can make a lot of money
from e-bay and online auctions. You have a lot more
potential partners for joint ventures than they ever had.

Most importantly, you can buy "how to" products from the people
who are internet marketing millionaires. You can follow their
directions to get where they are. They had to make it up
from scratch when times were harder and now you can do it
faster with fewer mistakes.

So if you really want to make good money online what do
you do? Research the big dogs. Do what's been proven to
work. And treat your business like a business or you'll end up
with an expensive hobby. If you're just kicking the tires
to see what'll happen, nothing will. This is true with
anything you do in life, not just internet marketing.

Internet marketing is a tremendous vehicle for making
great money. Like any vehicle, it won't go down the road
if you don't gas it up, turn the key and push on the

How long it takes to get to the top of the hill at the end
of the road depends on how much gas you put in, how hard
you press the accelerator, how well you steer and how good
your map is.

The first year you drove a car did you drive as well as you do now?
No. You've gotten better with experience. So don't expect money
to fall out of the sky the first year you do internet marketing.
Can you make good money the first year? Sure. But it depends on
how much work you do to pay your dues and get some experience.
Like driving a car, the longer you do it the better you get (which
means the more money you make).

If you're a tire kicker I suggest you put your money in your
pocket, walk away now and spend your time on something you love to do.
If you're driven to build your own business I suggest you invest your
time, energy and money into internet marketing. The payoff can be
priceless. See you at the top of the hill at the end of the road.

About the Author
Sopan Greene, M.A. is a marketing & life coach & editor of the
Net Profits newsletter. Get 2 FREE eBooks & a FREE report:
"Million Dollar Emails","How To Start Your Own Traffic Virus"
& "The 13 Deadly Internet Marketing Mistakes Almost Every
Business Is Making..."